     Reconciliation of contemporarily-appraised value for 
weight of H2 gas (2) with Flint's alternate (4). S.H. Shakman
Flint presumed water units involved in hydration to be negatively-
charged ions (H2O-) weighing 18 each (v.s. 20 for a neutral H2O)*;
a like value of 18 figures prominently in conventional determinations
of weights of H2 and O2**.

As direct evidence that negative ions may weigh less than positive
ones, Flint cited greater mobilities of the former v.s. the latter,
and showed how these are calculable.*

Flint also projected "combining" wts. (average of neutral & anhydrous
wts.) of 1 for H-, 7 for Li+, 23 for Na+, & 39 for K+, which approximate
contemporary "weight" values, but he did not utilize these values in his

The hypothesis that an entity (e.g. water) may weigh other than the sum
of constituents has precedents in: Marignac's 1860 suggestion that a
grouping of primordial atoms in the form of a (larger) chemical atom
might weigh other than the sum of weights of constituent atoms***; and
in F. W. Aston's 1921 proposal of a "packing" effect which might allow
for an atomic nucleus to weigh less than the sum of wts. of constituent

*FLINT,L.H.,Behavior Patterns of Hydration,1964: 22,25,159+.
**CLARKE,F.W.,Memoirs N.A.S., 16(1922), p.11-31.
***PROUT,W. (1815-6),J.STAS & C.MARIGNAC(1860); Prout's Hypoth.:p.58,22.



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