Inorganic Osmolality-Patterns of Divergence. S.H. Shakman
Observed maximum osmolality (OS)* is compared with maximum volume increase (DV) per equation (after Flint) DV=(gpl/k) (Vhz/2Vaz)-1), when gpl=grams-per-liter anhydrous solute, k=520, and Vhz & OS/DV VALUES FOR INORGANIC COMPOUNDS Vaz=resp. sums of ION: SO4-- Cl- NO3- OH- Br- I- Cl: hydrated (Vh) & an- Cs+ 3.10 SO4 hydrous (Va) ionic Li+ 3.61 volumes. Note pat- K+ 2.86 7.38 2.79 3.78 5.13 4.06 2.6 terns for divalent Na+ 1.40 4.36 1.90 2.70 2.87 3.1 positive ions with NH4+ 1.53 4.01 2.6 SO4--; monovalent H+ 3.37 3.46 2.14 1.0 positive ions with Ag+ 1.27 Cl-; ratios between Pb++ 1.21 values listed for Cd++ .95 1.30 1.4 K+ & Na+ with Mg++ 1.39 4.38 3.2 monovalent negative Ba++ 4.13 ions; and ratios Ca++ 19.36 between values for Co++ 3.26 for Cl- & SO4-- Sr++ 7.46 with monovalent Cu++ .84 positive ions. Mn++ 1.01 Ni++ .94 Zn++ .95 K:Na 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.8
*CRC HANDBOOK,1985,D221-. **FLINT,L.H., Behavior Patterns of Hydration(1964): Wa=2(Z[atomic #]+C[valence]); Wh=Wa+18H; H= 23n-(Z+C) [H=23 to 0, n=1 to 4]; Vh=Wh/(1+(Wa/Wh));Va=Wa/2.
Flint has suggested tht K+ may act as a catalyst for chemical processes involved in metabolism.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 1985(?, under blood?), p. 679, Table:
Concentrations of Potassium and Sodium Ions in Plasma and Red Cells of Certain Vertebrates (milli-equiv. per 1000 ml): K+_______________ Na+_______________ red cells plasma red cells plasma Man 95 4 19 136 Dog 8 4 97 143 Chicken 119 6 18 154

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