The category "serum therapy" first appears in an 1889-90 medical index. Within "serum therapy", "autoserotherapy" appears in 1905 and "autohemotherapy" in 1912. The AUTOMEDICAL INDEX incorporates all such "auto-" items from 1905, plus the prior works of Gilbert [1894H1], Elfstrom [1898H1] and Jez [01H1]. At least 30 of these articles on autohemotherapy were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Within the category "vaccine therapy", "autogenous" first appears in 1909. The AUTOMEDICAL INDEX includes prior works of Wright [03N1,07N3] and Ohlmacher [07N1-2].
The year 1982 is the last in which either of the two categories, "Serum Therapy" or "Vaccine Therapy", appears in the "CUMULATED INDEX MEDICUS"; therein "Serum Therapy" refers to "Passive Immunization", whereas "Vaccine Therapy" simply is gone by 1983.
For a detailed discussion of the history of medical indices, see CUMULATIVE INDEX MEDICUS, Vol. 1 (1960), "Introduction" by Susan Crawford of the AMA; and Vol. 29 (December 1988), p. v, "Preface" by the Editor.`
Autohemotherapy" articles accessed through MEDLINE, 1966-1995, have been incorporated into the AUTOMEDICAL INDEX, for convenient reference. Additional relevant items may be found in MEDLINE using keywords "autologous blood therapy", "autoblood therapy", etc.
For updates on autogenous vaccines, search MEDLINE using keywords "autogenous", "autologous" or "auto-" with "vaccine" or keyword and/or subject "active immunization".
For updates on Dr. Rosenow's main thrust, oral focal infection, search MEDLINE using keywords and/or subject "focal infection".