Copyright 1995-2001 S.H. Shakman, Institute Of Science; all
rights reserved.
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--Dental Cosmos, 1873, p. 662
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1990), 1424-1426.
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Internal Med., 1912, p. 499.
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Systemic Disease".
Goulden 1911: Some inflammatory eye conditions due to oral
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Grossman, Louis I., Endodontic Practice, Tenth Edition, Lea and
Febiger, 1981.
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p. 50
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XXVII (1913), 281-297, p. 323.
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Hutchinson 1886: Lagophthalmus due to dental irritation.
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Study of Experimental Iridocyclitis in Rabbits."
JAMA 150 (Oct. 4, 1952), Editorial: "Focal Infection", 490-1.
JAMA 263, No. 10 (March 9,1990) addresses the question of
fraudulent or otherwise invalid scientific research.
Janssens, X, etal, Clinical Rheumatology, 1987 Dec 6(4):532-8,
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Jarlov E., Brinch O, Focal infection and arthritis, Danish
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XXVII (1913), 281-297, p. 323.
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"Oral Surgery and Its Relation to Dentistry and Medicine", p.
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C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, 1980, p. 324; 1987, p. 378.
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(1993), 73-7
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Dental Rev. XXVII (1913), 281-297.
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Rush, Benjamin, Medical Inquiries and Observations, I (1818), p.
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1918, pp. 17-20.
Salter 1862: Amaurosis consequent on acute abscess of antrum
produced by a carious tooth. S.J.A. Salter in London Lancet. --
Dental Cosmos, 1862-3d, p. 548
Schottmller [Mnch. Med. Wchnschr. 1903, L, 845] per Billings
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Sela and Sharav [Isr. J. Dent. Med. 24: 31-35, 1975] per Morse,
D. R., Oral Surg. 43, 436-451, 1977.
Seltzer, S., in Cohen, S. and R. C. Burns, Pathways of the
Pulp, C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, 1987, p 1.
Sharp, George C., J.A.D.A. and Dental Cosmos, 24 (August 1937),
1231-1242, "The historical and biological aspects of the pulpless
tooth question".
Sirletti 1878: Amaurosis following dental disease. Excerpt,
Sirletti in Arch. Clin. Ital. dei Med. Condotti. --Dental Cosmos,
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(1921), p. 344
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