Copyright 1995-2001 S.H. Shakman, Institute Of Science; all
rights reserved.
Schiff, 1960 [60H1], p. 104, "Herpes zoster is a highly
characteristic virus disease confined to man that attacks sensory
nerve roots and shows itself on the skin as a grouped vesicular
eruption in the dermatome of the infected nerve. ...
"The cause of herpes zoster is a virus that is believed to be
indentical with or closely related to that of chickenpox."
Schiff cites "epidemiological observations" of cases of herpes
zoster appearing in adults exposed to children with varicella and
cases of chickenpox appearing in children exposed to adults with
herpes zoster.
Schiff concerned himself with "management of neuralgic pain
following herpes zoster which, particularly in older people, may
be so severe as to produce in them a state of utter despondency."
Noting that Ansfield and Rens in the course of their treatment
of herpes zoster with autohemotherapy had also been able to
control pain within 2-7 days, Schiff undertook to study the
effects of autohemotheapy on the pain itself.
[60H1] "The autohemotherapy consisted of the withdrawal of
10cc of whole blood from an antecubital vein followed by its
immediate injection into the gluteal muscles. ... Injections were
given ... once every three days [for a total of from 8-14
injections], but the interval between treatments was increased as
the symptoms and signs abated."
[60H1] "Disappearance of the pain was noted in 8 cases and 3
failed to respond."