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60F1: Bolzani, L., & M. Isotti, Delirium tremens and autohemo- therapy. Riv. Sper. Freniat. 13:1372-82, 31 Dec. 1959 (It)

60H1: Schiff, Bencel L., "Autohemotherapy in the treatment of post-herpetic pain", Rhode Island Med.J. 43 (Feb. 1960), 104.

61F1: Bikfalvia, A., & Ecke, H., Treatment of chronic osteomyelitis with autogenous blood-antibiotic plombage. Bruns. Beitr. Klin. Chir. 201:190-207, 1960 (Ger)

61F2: Oettingen, E.N. von, Treatment of inhalation allergies by the local administration of the patient's dried serum. Med. Klin. 55:1649-50, 9 Sept., 1960 (Ger)

62F1: Monti, P.C., Lysozome therapy and autohemotherapy in oto- rhinolaryngology. Sem. Med. (B. Air.) 119:1038-42, 25 Sept. 1961 (Hun)

63F1: Bacskulin, J., Subconjunctival auto-blood injections in fresh and old burns. Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk. 142:728-33, 1963 (Ger)

63F2: Calcagnino Ricceri, J., Original treatment of eczema. Intradermal autohemotherapeutic procedure. Outline of its technic: method and clinical criterion regulating its use. Results. Conclusions. Sem. Med. (B. Air.) 121:330-4, 26 July 1962 (Sp)

64F1: Bikfalvi, A., etal., Autogenous blood-antibiotic plombage therapy of chronic osteomyelitis. Results of a 4-year treatment series. Mschr. Unfallheilk. 66:257-61, July 1963 (Ger)

64F2: Bauer, E., On micromed-autohemotherapeutic injections and their significance in the treatment of degenerative rheumatic states. z. rheumaforsch 22:398-401, Oct. 1963 (Ger)

65F1: Bacskulin J, & Bacskulin E, Further experiences with subconjunctival autohemotherapy in fresh and old corrosions. Amer. J. Ophthal. 59:674-80, Apr. 1965

65F2: Bacskulin, J., Further experiences with subconjunctival autogenous blood injections in burns. Ber. Deutsch. Ophth. Ges. 65:528-31, 1964 (Ger)

65F3: Bacskulin, J., Treatment of eye injuries with the subconjunctival injection of the patients' own blood and with microwaves. Rehabilitation (Bonn) 17:88-9, Dec. 1964 (Ger)

65F4: Litricin, O., etal., Use of subconjunctival autohemotherapy in chemical eye diseases, Srpski. Arh. Celok. Lek., 92:173-9, Feb. 1964 (Ser)

65G1 [66F3]: Alezzandrini AA, Garcia Bazarra J., "Autohemotherapy in the treatment of ocular burns caused by alkalies." Archivos de Oftalmologia de Buenos Aires, 1965 Dec, 40(12):397-400. (Sp)

66F1: Gassler, H., Treatment of chemical eye burns with Passow's operation and Tolazoline, with reference to subconjunctival auto- blood injection. Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk. 147:79-86, Sept. 65 (Ger)

66F2: Barin, V.A., Combined treatment of eye burns using autoserum-penicillin-novocaine. Oftal. Zh. 20:172-4, 1965 (Rus)

66F3: Alezzandrini, A.A., etal., Autohemotherapy in the treatment of ocular burns caused by alkalies. Arch. Oftal. B. Air. 40:397-400, Dec. 1965 (Sp)

66G1: Ter-Karapetiants, N.N., Complex treatment of psoriasis by pyrotherapy, autohemotherapy and laked blood. Sov. Med. (USSR) 29(12):40-1, Dec. 1966 (Rus)

67G1 [69F1]: Colucci, G., Local autohemotherapy in idiopathic vulvar irritation. Friuli Medico 22(3):571-80, May-June 1067 (Ita)

68F1: Baumann, E., On the practice-related modification of the filling of the bone defects using the patient's own blood with Gelastypt and on the problem of its tolerance. DDZ 22:313-5, 22 June 1968 (Ger)

68F2: Sallai, S., etal., Experience with autologous blood therapy in burns. Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk 150:879-86, 1967 (Ger)

68F3: S˘v g˘, J., etal., Experiences with simultaneous administration of tetanus serum and autogenous blood. z. Aerztl. Fortbild. (Jena) 61:588-90, 1 June 1967 (Ger)

69F1: Colucci, G., Local autohemotherapy in idiopathic vulvar irritation. Friuli Med. 22:571-80, May-June 1067 (Ita)

69G1 [70F1]: Colucci, G., A. D'Andrea, Therapy of essential pruritus vulvae and kraurosis vulvae with local autohemotherapy. Ann. Ostet. Ginecol. Med. Perinat. (Italy):91(9)603-13, Sept., 1969 (Ita)

70F1: Colucci, G., etal., Therapy of essential pruritus valvae and kraurosis vulvae with local autohemotherapy. Ann. Ostet. Ginec. 91:601-13, Sept. 1969 (Ita)

70F2: Bacanu, C.G., etal., Results of administration of a total cellular-microbial disintegrated autovaccine in a case of chronic marginal parodontopathy. Stomatologia (Bucar) 16:469-70, Sept.Oct. 1969 (Rum)

71F1: Amoile, S.P., etal., Cryotherapy and autogenous serum therapy. Arch. Ophthamol. 86:113-4, July 1971

71G1: Schilovitz, G., P. Payrau, Nontramatic conjunctival bands and their treatment by local autohemotherapy. Ann. Ocul. (Paris) 204(11):1185-200, Nov. 1971 (Fra)

71G2 [72F3]: Schwarz, P., Modification of Theurer's autohemotherapy. Treatment with antibody fragments (immunologic enhancement). Z. Allgemeinmed. (Germany, West) 47(30):1576-9, Oct. 31, 1971 (Ger)

72F1: DiGiovanni, A.J., Epidural injection of autologous blood for postlumbar-puncture headache. II. Additional clinical experiences and laboratory investigation. Anesth. Analg. (Cleve) 51:226-32, Mar.-Apr. 1972

72F2: Marcove, R.C., etal., A clinical trial of autogenous vaccine in osteogenic sarcoma in patients under the age of twenty-five. Surg. Forum 22:434-5, 1971

72F3: Schwarz, P., Modification of Theurer's autohemotherapy. Treatment with antibody fragments (immunologic enhancement). z. Allgemeinmed. 47:1576-9, 31 October 1971 (Ger)

73F1: Dolezalov , V., etal., Subconjunctival injection of autogenous blood in the eye after thermical and chemical burns. Cesk. Oftalmol. 29:207-12, May 1973 (Eng. Abstr.) (Cze.)

73G1: Frenkel, G., R. Stellmach, Care and treatment of large cysts according to Partsch. II. with autohemotherapy (Schulte). Quintessence Int. 4(3):11-20, March 1973

74F1: Reuter, S.R., etal., Control of abdominal bleeding with autogenous embolized material. Radiologe 14:86-91, Feb. 1974

74G1: Solov'ev, M.M., A.V. Vasil'ev, T.M. Alekhova, The mechanism of action of autohemotherapy in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region. Stomatologiia (Mosk.) 53(5):86-7, Sept.-Oct. 1974 (Rus)

74G2: Gur'ianov, A.A., Treatment of spinal osteochondrosis patients with autohemotherapy. Voen. Med. Zh. Aug. 1974 (8):80-81 (Rus)

75F1: Artamonov, V.P., Case report of successful treatment of an acute keratoconus by introduction of autologous blood into the anterior chamber. Vesta Oftalmol. 5:76-7, Sept.-Oct. 1974 (Rus)

79G1 [81F2]: Xue, Q.C., Autohemotherapy in the treatment of chemical and thermal burns of the eye. Chung Hua Yen Ko Tsa Chih 15(3):195-7, 1979 (Chi)

80F1: Shapiro, V.I., Experience in treating acne vulgaris and conglobata with penicillin in autologous blood in combination with staphylococcal antiphagin. Vesta Dermatol. Venerol. 7:52-4, July 1979 (Engl. Abstr.) (Rus)

81F1: Orculas, E., Use of a collyrium with autoserum in trophic corneal diseases. Rev. Chir. [Oftalmol.] 24(4):289-91, Oct.-Dec. 1980 (Eng. Abstr.) (Rus)

81F2: Xue, Q.C., Autohemotherapy in the treatment of chemical and thermal burns of the eye (author's transl.). Chung Hua Yen Ko Tsa Chih 15(3):195-7, 1979 (Chi)

83F - - [In the 1983 QUARTERLY CUMULATIVE INDEX MEDICUS, the "SEROTHERAPY" category is discontinued with the notation, "see IMMUNIZATION, PASSIVE" (300+ articles)]

86G1: Gerig, H.J., Peridural autohemotherapy of headache after lumbar puncture. Cah. Anesthesiol. (France) 34(6)523-6 Oct. 1986 (Rus)

86G2: Lur'e, B.L., A.A. Alekseev, O.A. Kadiev, Effect of UV autohemotherapy on the level of medium-molecular peptides in the blood. Lab. Delo 1986, (8) 466-8 (Rus)

88H1: Shakman, S.H., "Cuyugan's Malaria Treatment; Aid vs AIDS?", AAAS Pacific Division Proceedings Vol. 7:42 (1988):

89G1: Kurapov, EP, etal., Anesteziologiia i Reanimatologiia, 1989 Jan-Feb (1):31-4, "A method and the clinical effect of quantum ultraviolet autohemotherapy".

90G1: Kadiev, OA, etal, Khirurgiia, 1990 Jun (6):88-91, "Changes in immunological indicators in patients with surgical endotoxemia after UV-irradiation of blood". [AUTO PASSIVE IMMUNIZATION]

91G1: Paulesu L, Luzzi E, and Bocci V., Lymphokine and Cytokine Research 1991 Oct, 10(5):409-12, "Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 2. Induction of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) on human leukocytes."

92G1: Lenkiewicz E, Ferencowa A, Szewczykowa E, Klinika Oczna, 1992 Apr, 94(4)113-4, "Subconjunctival autohemotherapy of eye burns in our cases".

92G2: Bocci V., Medical Hypotheses, 1992 Sep, 39(1):30-4., "Ozonization of blood for the therapy of viral diseases and immunodeficiencies. A Hypothesis."

93G1: Kiesewetter H; Jung F; Koscielny J; Pindur G; Wenzel E.; "Quality assurance in autologous blood collection from critically ill patients." Beitrage zur Infusionstherapie, 1993, 31:202-8. (Ger) Abstract Avail. (UI:94035800)

93G2: Bocci V, Luzzi E, Corradeschi F, Paulesu L, Di Stefano A., "Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 3. An attempt to define conditions for optimal induction of cytokines." Lymphokine and Cytokine Research, 1993 Apr., 12(2):121-6. Abstract Avail. (UI: 93312993)

93G3: Shen Q; Zheng QJ; "Effect of photosensitized oxidation auto- hemotherapy with buyang huanwu tang on sequela of apoplexy." Chung-Kuo chung Hsi i Chieh Ho Tsa Chih, 1993 Jul, 13(7):402-4, 387. [Language: Chinese]

95G1: Hernandez F; Menendez S; Wong R. "Decrease of blood cholesterol and stimulation of antioxidative response in cardiopathy patients treated with endovenous oxone therapy." Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 1995 Jul, 19(1):115-9.
