SERIAL DILUTION METHOD [55R1] Serial dilution method: "Separation of staphylococci, E. coli and saprophytic streptococci from the specifically virulent streptococci in nasopharyngeal swabbings was accomplished in serial dilution cultures in dextrose-brain broth using a nicrome wire at steps of 10-2, 10-6 and 10-10 in which the specifically virulent streptococci outgrow the avirulent streptococci, staphylococci and E. coli." [55R1] SCAVENGER ORGANS: LIVER, SPLEEN AND KIDNEY 55R1-242 Regarding a number of diseases, including glaucoma, epilepsy, MS., epidemic poliomyelitis and coronary heart disease: "The number of colonies and percentage incidence of isolation of hte streptococcus from the liver, spleen and kidney without evidence of lesions were uniformly high regardless of the source of the streptococcus, indicating it would seem a protective scavenger-like function of these organs." REMARKABLE INCREASE IN VIRULENCE IN MIXED CULTURES [55R1, p.246] In 1955 Dr. Rosenow noted that a "remarkable elective or specific localization occured in organs of mice corresponding to those chiefly involved in patients from whom the streptococcus was isolated from the nasopharynx ..." However, when 14 specific strains were mixed and stored at 10 degrees C for 71 days in glycerin-NaCl solution, and then grown in dextrose-brain broth and injected intravenously in laboratary mice, not only had characteristic specificities disappeared, but also "the number of streptococci and percentage incidence of isolations from the different organs of mice were almost without exception far greater than what would be expected ... [comprising a] remarkable increase in localizing property or 'virulence'". Moreover, results indicated that "each streptococcus that remained viable in the stored composite glycerine-NaCl solution suspension had acquired the diverse localizing properties characteristic of the 14 respective specific strains. ... Most remarkable of all are the facts (1) that the changes in the composite mixture of the specific types of streptococci occurred at a temperature of 10 degrees C and other conditions that precluded growth, (2) that the newly acquired properties were transmissible as the streptococci grew in subculture in the dextrose brain broth, and (3) that such changes never occurred under comparable conditions of storage of specific strains separately." "The maintenance almost indefinitely of respective specificities on storage separately of specific strains of alpha streptococci as partially dehydrated in the glycerol-NaCl solution menstruum nd the phenomenal increase in organotropic localization on additional identical storage of composite mixtures of respective specific strains of streptocci is new, truly remarkable and fundamental, for it indicates the importance of environmental conditions for the acquisition and maintenance of respective specifities of the ever- present alpha streptocci in human beings. The importance of determining specifities inherent or acquired of alpha type streptococci in studies on etiology such as these is obvious." [55R1, p. 246][Go to ROSENOW Bibliography]