Copyright 1995-2001 S.H. Shakman, Institute Of Science; all
rights reserved.
Reddick [55C2], p. 22, discusses beneficial effects from the
use of autohemotherapy having been reported in several diseases,
over the previous three decades.
"The initial treatment consisted of the removal of 5cc of blood
from one of the median basilic veins under aseptic conditions,
followed by immediate deep intramuscular reinjection into the
upper outer quadrant of the buttock of the opposite side. A few
drops of 4% sodium citrate solution were introduced through the
needle into the syringe before the blood was withdrawn; the
average length of time which the blood remained in the syringe
was fifty-five seconds." [55C2] p. 23
Reddick [55C2] reported on 2 series of psychiatric trials,
involving 25 patients each.
Of the first grouping of 25 [see 1950 above], "nineteen
patients or 76% of those treated displayed a social recovery,
inasmuch as they were able to leave the hospital and to resume
their former activities. Of the 6 patients still requiring
hospitalization at the conclusion of the treatment period [6
months], theree were much better; and one remained unchanged.
His second group of 25 was studied in conjunction with a
control group of ten, and here 23 of the 25 displayed a social
recovery (in contrast to none of the ten in the control group,
who had been treated with saline in place of autoblood). Of the
remaining 2 patients still hospitalized after 6 months, one has
received only eleven treatments to date and had already been
released on 4 trial visits, one lasting 10 days, to the custody
of her daughter. A more permanent release was "anticipated in
the near future." the final patient was a 63-year-old woman who
had sustained a cerebro-vascular accident 8 years before, had
been hospitalized in 7 private institutions prior to current
public institutionalization, and had been diagnosed as 'chronic
brain syndrome associated with cerebral arteriosclerosis, with
psychotic reaction'. In addition she suffered from systemic
"Her condition is now improved and she is scheduled for staff
presentation in the near future for the purpose of discussing the
advisability of granting her a trial visit to the custody of her
Reddick presents one case of a 34-year-old woman with "very
poor prognosis because of the long duration of her illness", who
despite 3 courses of electroshock therapy and other attempted
therapy was "still deeply psychotic." After an initial 5cc dose
and subsequent weekly 10cc injections over a period of 16 weeks,
"her degree of improvement was so marked that she was described
as displaying a complete social remission." However, it was
noted that this patient had "exhibited a generalized cutaneous
eruption of innumerable small pustular lesions" following each IM
reinjection, most of which ruptured spontaneously within a day or
so. [It is suggested that this may have been due to the use of
the citric acid anti-coagulent, insofar as such reaction was not
generally encountered in the literature.]
"No therapy can possibly be more specific than the resistance
of the individual patient to his own disease processes..."
Reddick [55C2] credits autohemotherapy with the "advantage of
being a safe and effective means of bringing into play the
helpful portions of the body's defenses without exposing the
patient to the possibility of unnecessary incidental damage. ...
Autohemotherapy helps the sick person to heal himself."