Copyright 1995-2001 S.H. Shakman, Institute Of Science; all
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50A1: Urso, F., Effect of spleen on absorption time of blood
injected into muscles; experimental study. Pathologica 41:77-84,
March-April, 1949.
50A2: Giese, R., Shortening of bleeding time and coagulation time
following operations and injections of autogenous blood.
Zentralbl. Chir. 74:565-569, 1949.
50A3: Agneta, J.O., and A.A. Cordero, Therapy of various
dermatoses in female by means of autogenous premenstrual serum.
Prensa md.argent. 37:83-88, Jan. 13, 1950.
50B1: Desmonts, T., N. Rire & G. Sournies, Acute purpura in
course of undulant fever; intramedullary autohemotherapy for arrest
of hemorrhage; case. Sang. 21:552-553, 1950.
50B2: Goldschmied, A., Simple modification of tissue therapy
(subcutaneous injections of patient's own blood), with special
consideration of peptic ulcer. Polski tygodnik lek. 5:967-973,
50B3: Friederich, H.C., and H. Ruther, Therapy of cutaneous ulcers
with autogenous blood dressings. Neue med. Welt. 1:1405-1407,
October 28, 1950.
50C1: Desomonts, T., Rire N., Sournies, G., Acute purpura in the
course of brucellosis, intramedullary autohemotherapy, arrest of
hemorrhage, SANG 21:6 (1950), p. 552-3. [21341]
50C2: Rojas, J.C., Histaminic autohemotherapy, PRENSA MDICA
ARGENTINA 37: 26, 30 June 1950, p. 1461-5. [31314]
51A1: Nase, H., Prevention of serum sickness following tetanus
prophylaxis by injecting patient's own blood together with
antiserum, Zentralbl. Chir. 76:284-288, 1951
51A2: Stender, A., Transorbital leukotomy and a new variant;
intrafrontal injection of autogenous blood, Nervenarzt 21:514-517,
Dec. 1950
51B1: Baniewicz, N., Injection of patient's own serum into
cisterna magna and spinal canal in therapy of virus diseases of
nervous system, Polski Tygodnik Lek. 6:342-346, 1951
51C1: Botar, G., allergic eye disease and autohemotherapy -
pericardial fluid in myxedema], ORVOSI HETILAP 91:29 (16 July
1950), p. 923-4. [59827]
51C2: Haferkamp, H., Effect of autohemotherapy on the blood and
the blood picture, HIPPOKRATES 21: 15-16 (31 Aug 1950), p. 475-8
51C3: Nase, H., Autohemoprophylaxis of serum sickness/prevention
of shock following inoculation against tetanus, ZENTRALBLATT FUR
CHIRURGIE, LEIPZIG. 76:4 (1951), p. 284-5. [61279]
51C4: Frhauf, H., Autohemotherapy with ultraviolet rays
irradiation, MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK 45:46 (17 Nov. 1950), p.
1469-72. [37218]
51C5: Meco, O., "Autoemopiretoterapia associate; rapporto
preliminare della casistica e preliminari considerazioni."
[Associated autohemo-pyretotherapy - autohemotherapy and fever
therapy of psychoses, RIVISTA DI PATOLOGIA NERVOSA E MENTALE, 71:2
(1950) p. 303-13. [17761]
51C6: Meco, O., Effect of autohemopyretherapy (autohemotherapy and
fever therapy) on the autonomic nervous
system/neurovegetative components of various diseases], RIVISTA DI
PATOLOGIA NERVOSA E MENTALE, 71:2 (1950) p. 333-342. [17763]
51C7: Sauer, G.C., and Simm, F., "Evidence of adreno-cortical
stimulation by autohemotherapy." JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE
DERMATOLOGY, 16:3 (March 1951), p. 177-192. [56822]
51C8: Auto-serotransfusion into the cisterna magna and the spinal
canal in viral diseases of the nervous system, POLSKI TYGODNIK
LEKARSKI 6:11 (12 March 1951), p. 342-6. [97739]
51C9: G ba, V., Sk cel, J., Sabata, J., Treatment of eye
diseases with refrigerated autogenous blood. II CESKOSLOVENSKū
OFTHALMOLOGIE. PRAHA. 7:4 (1951), p. 271-286. [92799]
51C10: Dvor k, M., Autoserotherapy in supprative skin
diseases/furunculosis, LKARSK LISTY 5:24 (15 Dec. 1950), p.
735-7. [36474]
51C11: Reddick, R. H., "Autohemotherapy in chronic mental
disorders; a preliminary report.", JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN
INSTITUTE OF HOMEOPATHY 43:10 (Dec. 1950), p. 263-9. [34410]
52A1: Ksenofontova, M.A., Intramuscular injection of
autohemolyzed blood in therapy of peptic ulcer, Klin. Med. (2)
30:69-70, 52 [R]
52A2: Jucovsky, J., Sulfonated autoserum therapy of leprosy, Rev.
Brasil. Leprol. 19:166-192, Sept. 1951 [P]
52B1: Bondurant, C.P., Use of attenuated or inactivated blood
serum in management of pemphigus vulgaris; case, A.M.A. Arch.
Dermat. & Syph. 66:394-6, Sept. 1952
52C1: Flandin, C., "L'auto-serotherapie desensibilisatrice."
[Desensitizing autoserotherapy], VIE MEDICALE. (Paris) 32:8 (August
1951) p. 53-4. [7170]
52C2: Haferkamp, H., Non-specific alternative therapy with special
reference to autohemotherapy; homeopathy, HIPPOKRATES (Stuttgart)
23:2 (31 Jan. 1952) p. 29-33. [37513]
52C3: Novotny, J., Kubelka, V., Local autoserotherapy with
antibiotics in operative dentistry, CESKOSLOVENSKA STOMATOLOGIE
(Praha) 51:10 (Oct. 1951), p. 395-401. [36070]
52C4: Jucovsky, J., Sulfone autoserotherapy in leprosy, REVISTA
BRASILEIRA DE LEPROLOGIA (Sao Paulo) 19:3 (Sept. 1951) p.
166-192. [22702]
53A1: Przemeck, H., Ultraviolet irradiation of circulating blood
and results of its intravenous or intramuscular reinjection,
Strahlentherapie 88:522-526, 1952 [G]
53B1: Strakisch, W., Autogenous blood in therapy of ovarian mi-
graine; preliminary report, Zentralbl. Gynk. 75:961-063, 1953 [G]
53B2: Chamorro, J., Autohemotherapy of malaria, Rev. ClĄn. Espa¤.
49:121-123, April 30, 1953 [S]
53B3: Gualdi, G., Autoplasm in corneal wounds; experimental study,
Rass. Ital. Ottal. 22:393-400, July-Aug. 1953 [I]
53B4: Gualdi, G., Autoplasm in therapy of conjunctival wounds;
experimental study, Rass. Ital. Ottal. 22:176-183, March-April
1953 [I]
53B5: Friederich, H.C., G. Riedel & H. Ruther, Clinical use of
corpuscular blood constituents in local therapy of crural ulcers,
Medizinische, pp. 776-778, June 6, 1953 [G]
53B6: Sperling, E., Intrafrontal injection of patient's own blood
as variant of leukotomy; results of after-examination, Arch.
Psychiat. 190:377-388, 1953 [G]
53B7: Heimark, J.J. & R.L. Parsons, Spinal injection of blood to
lower blood pressure in essential hypertensive patients; 2 cases,
Minnesota Med. 36:738-739, July 1953
53C1: Mercier, R., Autohemotherapy and antibiotic therapy
(especially in tuberculosis), CONCOURS MEDICAL. (Paris) 74:35 (30
August 1952), p. 2867-70. [12886]
53C2: Bertazzi, C.G., The results of treatment with triphenyl,
sulfoidol and autohemotherapy in two cases of a chronic fever of
PARASSITARIE. (Napoli), 7:9 (Sept. 1952), p. 225-8. [41071]
53C3: Peters, H., Therapeutic venous and muscular stimulation as
supportive treatment in carcinosis; pyrogenated serotherapy and
autohemotherapy, PRAKTISCHE ARZT (Wien) 6:63 (15 August 1952), p.
447-8. [51647]
53D1: Komorowska, A., Autochemotherapy in allergic diseases of the
1952), p. 607-616. [17846]
53D2: Chamorro, J., Treatment of malaria by autohemotherapy,
REVISTA CLūNICA ESPAĨOLA (Madrid) 49:2 (30 April 1953) p. 121-3.
53D3: Strakosch, W., Migrane treatment with own blood,
HIPPOKRATES (Stuttgart) 24:9 (15 May 1953), p. 277-9. [39585]
53D4: Heimark, J.J., and R.L. Parsons, "Spinal injection of blood
to lower blood pressure in essential hypertensive patients; report
of two cases.", MINNESOTA MEDICINE (St. Paul) 36:7 (July 1953), p.
738-9. [42860]
54A1: Binda, B., Infiltrations of novocain (procaine
hydrochloride) in anal pruritus; surgical therapy of essential anal
pruritus, Minerva Anestesiol. 20:104-106, March 1954 [I]
54B1: Mease, J.A.Jr., Blood extract therapy in intractable
arthritic, Med. Times 82:750-752, Oct. 1954.
54C1: Horanyi, J., Ganglion of hand, therapy with prothrombin and
autohemother., ORVOSI HETILAP (Budapest) 94::32 (9 Aug. 1953), p.
887-8. [8872]
54C2: Geller, F.C., The treatment of initial puerperal mastitis
and general pyogenic/micrococcal infections, THERAPIE DER
GEGENWART (Berlin), 92:11 (Nov. 1953), p. 412-4. [56328]
54C3: Strakosch, W., Autohemotherapy of ovarian migrane;
preliminary report, ZENTRALBLATT FR GYNKOLOGIE (Leipzig) 75:25
(1953), p. 961-3. [24784]
54C4: Filichev, T.E., Treatment of pyoderma with staphylococcal
antiphagin mixed with patient's blood, VESTNIK VENEROLOGII I
DERMATOLOGII (Moskva) 3 (May-June 1953), p. 13-14. [11356]
54C5: Lages, W., Treatment of whooping cough by associated
microautohemotherapy, JORNAL DE PEDIATRIA (Rio de Janeiro) 18:8
(August 1953), p. 343-54. [29573]
54D1: Jochmus, H., Treatment of arterial hypertension by the
reinjection of hemolysed blood, HIPPOKRATES (Stuttgart) 25:7 (15
April 1954), p. 215-8. [37020]
54D2: Marshall, K.G., "Sanguinary sketches." - hemotherapy
history, McGILL MEDICAL JOURNAL (Montreal) 23:2 (April 1954), p.
59-72. [15889]
54D3: Felder, H., Autohemotherapy with sodium citrate injections
in therapy of hay fever; preliminary report, MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK
(Berlin) 49:18 (30 April 1954), p. 748-9. [27644]
54D4: Z belkov , Z., Role of autohemotherapy in effectiveness of
penicillin in pyoderma, BRATISLAVSK LEKūRSKE LISTY 33:9 (1953), p.
809-811. [3235]
54D5: Kubelka, V., Perner, K., Local autoserotherapy with
antibiotics in dermatology, BRATISLAVSK; LEKHRSKE LISTY 33:9
(1953), p. 807-8. [3234]
55A1: Reddick, R.H., Autohemotherapy in psychiatry, Maryland M. J.
4:22-31, Jan. 1955
55A2: Frandsen, V.A. & T. Samsoe-Jensen, Effect of
Autohemotherapy, Acta Allergol. 8:26-30, 1955
55B1: Cantoni, L., E. Cassi & G. Suppa, Autohemoantibodies;
formation by autohemosensitization experimentally by means of
autohemotherapy, Boll. Ist. Sieroterap. Milanese 34:273-283, May-
June 1955 [I]
55C1: Prusak, L., Treatment of diseases of the nervous system with
patients hemolyzed blood with special reference to multiple
sclerosis; preliminary communication, POLSKI TYGODNIK LEKARSKI
(Warszawa) 9:46 (15 Nov. 1954), p. 1471-5. [48905]
55C2: Reddick, R.H., "Autohemotherapy in psychiatry.", MARYLAND
STATE MEDICAL JOURNAL (Baltimore), p. 22-31. [47013]
55C3: Schwendy, J., Intracutaneous autohemotherapy of bronchial
asthma, DEUTSCHE GESUNDHEITWESEN (Berlin) 9:18 (6 May 1954), p.
562-5. [2650]
55D1: Herberger, W., The treatment of annoying axillary sweat
(hyperhidrosis) with autohemotherapy in local injections,
HIPPOKRATES (Stuttgart) 26:11 (15 June 1955), p. 341-3. [53650]
55D2: Enkelmann, A., Clinical studies on autohemotherapy with
irradiation, intravenous administration; comparison with other
methods of fever therapy. HIPPOKRATES (Stuttgart) 26:9 (15 May
1955), p. 280-5. [53633]
55D3: Ozegowski, P., Therapy of bronchial asthma with hemolyzed
blood of the patient, POLSKI TYGOD LEK 10:17 (25 April 1955), p.
555-6. [46104]
56B1: Lipton, R.A., Paradoxic reaction following administration of
laked, incubated autogenous blood, Ann. Allergy 14:370-373, Sept.-
Oct. 1956
56C1: Cantoni, L., Cassi, E., and Suppa, G., Research on
auto-antibodies. II. Formation of auto-antibodies by
experimentally induced auto-sensitization by autohemotherapy,
1955), p. 273-83. [1869]
56C2: Shaposhnikov, M.S., Treatment of stenocardia/angina
pectoris, intracutaneous autohemotherapy in head zone. SOVETSKAIA
MEDITSINA (Moskva) 19:11 (Nov. 1955), p. 72-3. [43293]
56D1: Gruger, A., Therapeutic use of patient's hemolysed blood, in
aqueous solution. HIPPOKRATES (Stuttgart) 27:10 (31 May 1956), p.
316-22. [39875]
56D2: Orlov, T.K., Shevchuk, K.S., and Sen'ko, V.M. Use of
penicillin with autohemotherapy, in abscess. AKUSHERSTVO I
GINEKOLOGIIA (Moskva) 32:1 (Jan.-Feb. 1956), p. 69-70. [21689]
56D3: Otto, E., Treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax with
autohemotherapy, intrapleural administration. HIPPOKRATES
(Stuttgart) 27:7 (15 April 1956), p. 215-8. [39849]
56D4: Porras, T., and Porras, J., New contributions in
autohemotherapy locus dolenti in septic processes/furunculosis,
SEMANA MEDICA (Buenos Aires) 108:6 (9 Feb. 1956), p. 200-3. [6937]
56D5: Prusak, L.,m Laskowska, D., Charal, N., Wierzbicka, I.,
Radomska, M., and Zimny, S., Further observations on application of
hemolyzed autogenous blood in certain diseases of the nervous
system, POLSKI TYGODNIK LEKARSKI (Warszawa) 11:9 (27 Feb. 1956), p.
395-8. [58232]
57C1: Heller, S., Therapy of allergic states, MEDICINū INTERNA
(Bucuresti), 7:4 (Oct.-Dec., 1955), p. 151-2. [46236]
57C2: Strakosch, W., Autohemotherapy in gynecology, indications
and technic, ZENTRALBLATT FR CHIRURGIE (Leipzig) 78:45 (10 Nov.
1956), p. 1783-6. [48809]
57C3: Ansfield, F.J., and J. L. Rens, "Autohemotherapy; an
effective treatment for herpes zoster." WISCONSIN MEDICAL JOURNAL
(Madison) 55:12 (Dec. 1956), p. 1319-1320. [27579]
57C4: Riskin, M., Venous allergy; recurrent phlebitis and
D'ANGIOLOGIE ET E'HISTOPATHOLOGIE (Paris) 8:3 (May-June 1956), p.
1-4. [1046]
57D1: Ghins, J., Interpretation of relative adrenal
insufficiency in asthma; variations of eosinophilia in asthma
caused by certain disorders; autohemotherapy, SCALPEL (Bruxelles)
110:9 (2 March 1957, p. 195-206. [30824]
57D2: Otto, E., Treatment of traumatic and spontaneous
1967), p. 436-7. [28867]
57D3: Theurer, K., Immunotherapy of chronic rheumatism; counter-
sensitization by activated autoserum, RXTLICHE FORSCHUNG
(Mnchen) 11:5 (10 May 1957), p. I/259-263. [33313]
58C1: V lov , M., Rejchrt, B., Treatment of caustic injuries of
the eye with subconjunctival injections of patient's own blood with
penicillin, CESKOSLOVENSKū OFTHALMOLOGIE (Praha) 13:5 (Sept. 1957),
p. 383-7. [32845]
58C2: Sereni, F., and M. Nonato, The efficacy of
autovaccinotherapy in asthmatic syndromes in children, CLINICA
PEDIATRICA (Bologna) 39:8 (August 1957), p. 624-634. [22919]
58D1: Prusak, L., Treatment of multiple sclerosis using
hemolyzed blood of the patient, NEUROLOGIA, NEUROCHIRURGIA I
PSYCHIATRIA POLSKA (Warszawa) 8:2 (March-April 1958), p. 173-6.
59D1: Polonskii, K.V., Treatment of bronchial asthma with
hemolyzed autoblood, subcutaneous admin., SOVETSKAIA MEDITSINA
(Moskva) 23:1 (Jan. 1959), p. 124-5. [20863]
59D2: Sviridov, N.A., Autohemopenicillinotherapy in purulent
inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue/furuncles and
carbuncles, KHIRURGIIA (Moskva) 35:4 (April 1959), p. 103-4.