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40A1: autogenous,autohemotherapy in glaucoma [V.Delfin] J. Philippine Islands M.A.19 683-695, Nov '39

40A2: autohemotherapy [R Koschade] Deutsche med Wchnchr 66:178-179, Feb 16, '40

40A3: autohemotherapy in treatment of arterial hypertension and disorders of menopause [G.Alexianu Buttu & E.Lichtig] Bull et mem Soc roumaine d'endocrinol 6:67-71, Feb-March '40

40A4: autohemotherapy of bronchial asthma in children [G Tamasi] Budapeste orvosi ujs g 37:933-935, Dec 7, '39

40A5: hemocrinotherapy (combined hemotherapy and endocrine therapy) [L Filderman] Clinique Paris 35:6-9, Jan. '40

40A6: hemotherapy with blood irradiated with ultraviolet rays [E Sehrt] Med Welt 13:1554-1558, Doc 9, '39

40A7: hypotensive action of autohemotherapy [U Miglioccio] Athena 9:56, Feb 40

40A8: Indications for and technic of whole-blood injections [C Hardwick] Practitioner 144:79-82, Jan 40

40A9: Injection of blood in therapy of progressive vacial furunculosis and inflammation of axillary sweat glands, [M.Mennenga] Deutche Ztschr. f. Chir. 253:62-75, '39

40A10: late results of autohemotherapy of subjective symptoms of chronic arterial hypertension [B Moia] Rev med latino-am 25:10-15, Oct '39

40A11: therapy of acute supprative circumscribed mastitis with proteolytic antiferments (autohemotherapy) [D Maragliano] Accad. med Genova 54:593-596

40A12: treatment (autohemotherapy) of carbuncle in outpatient department, [C.R. Dutt] Indian M. Gaz. 75:75-76, Feb. '40.

40B1: autogenous, autohemotherapy combined with artificial fever; further observations on rheumatic disease [W.K. Ishmael] Arch. Phys. Therapy 21:335-339, June '40

40B2: autohemotherapy, blood cholesterol and erythrocyte sedimentation in pulmonary tuberculosis, [A.A. Raimondi,M. Albertal & F. M. Gonzalez] Arch. argent. de fisiol. 16:276-283, July-Sept. '40

40B3: autohemotherapy in so-called intestinal or cryptogenic fever as a means of releasing latent allergy; clinical study [C. Grassi Bertazzi] Minerva med.2:16, July 7,'40

40B4: autohemotherapy of carbuncles and furuncles of face, [Y.I.Koen] (no.8) 4:31-32, '40

40B5: autohemotherapy of typhoid, [V. Boico & G. Ravalico] Minerva med. 2:155-159, Aug. 11, '40

40B6: endocrine clinical diagnosis and its application to hemocrinotherapy, [M.Filderman] med. de Paris 141:845-851, Dec. 24, '37

40B7: indications and technic, [W. Ruge] Ztschr.f.arztl.Fortbild. 37:237-239, April 15, '40

40B8: irradiated blood in gynecology, [F. Burgkhardt] Zentralbl.f.Gynak. 64:845-848, May 18, '40

40B9: irradiated blood in therapy of anemia and leukemia, [V.Rao] 17:187-188, April 15, '40

40B10: local autohemotherapy of chronic diseases of joints, [M.E.Volskiy] (no.3) 4:31-32, '40

40B11: treatment of asthma in children with injection of autogenous blood [G. Tamasi] Kinderarztl.Praxis 11:248-251, Aug., '40

40H1: Becker, William S. and Maximillan E. Obermayer, Modern Dermatology and Syphology, J.B.Lippincott Co., Phila. (1940), discusses autohemotherapy for herpes zoster (p. 480), and recommends it for psoriasis, chronic urticaria, and in Wassermann - fast or relapsing early syphilis" (p. 32)

41A1: autogenous, autohemotherapy in craniocerebral trauma; 4 cases. [A.Tarabini Castellani] Policlinico (sez.prat.) 47:2141- 2143, Dec. 16, '40

41A2: autohemotherapy as reactivating agent in syphilis; importance in ocular syphilis; preliminary report [O. Perez Siliceo] la Luz 1:165-168, Jan- Feb., '41

41A3: autohemotherapy in postoperative iritis after cataract extraction, [V. Popoviciu & O. Lungu] Romania med.19:58-59, March 1, '41

41A4: combined autohemotherapy and sulfanilamide therapy in infectious arthritis, [F. Paunescu] Romania med 19:45, Feb. 15, '41

41A5: diacephalospinal therapy of diseases of nervous system by production of aseptic meningitis and by autohemoneuraxotherapy, [D. Paulian and M. Chiliman] Arch de neurol.4:159-171, '40

41A6: herpes simplex; case of unusually extensive, recurrent type, apparently cured after autoserotherapy, [C.C. Thomas] Arch Dermat & Syph. 43:817-821, May '41

41A7: intermittent claudication treated by Caride Massini autohemotherapy; 10 cases, [H. Basabe] Rev. med. latino-am. 26:505-514, Feb. '41

41A8: microautohemotherapy in whooping cough; preliminary report, [W. Lages] Brasil-med. 55:35-36, Jan. 18, '41

41A9: reinjection of patient's own blood irradiated with ultraviolet light using new model of Kromayer lamp as source of radiation, [R. Bottler and J. Lehmann] Strahlentherapie 68:460-472, '40

41A10: therapy of uterine hemorrhages in ascending gonorrhea by means of hemolyzed autogenous blood, [F.M. Monosova and E.L. Rossiyanskaya] (no.20) 4:12-13, '40

41A11: year's campaign against trachoma, with special reference to therapy with salicylazosulfanilamide mixed with autogenous blood [L. Dor] Lyon 21:377-379, Dec. 5, '40

41B1: autogenous, autohemotherapy in cases of fixed serologic reactions (Hinton) with negative results, [I. Kopp and H. C. Solomon] Am. J. Syph., Gonor. and Ven. Dis. 25:591-594, Sept. '41

41B2: autohemotherapy as new treatment of eclampsia, with report of cases [C. Galve Raso] Medicina, Madrid 9:156-161, Aug., '41

41B3: autohemotherapy in croupous pneumonia, [A.F. Grozev] Vrach.delo (no.3) 23:191-196, '41

41B4: autohemotherapy; indications and technic, [H.G.B. Reinhard] Ztschr.f.arztl.Fortbild. 38:69-72, Feb. 1, '41

41B5: autoserotherapy with blister serum in toxicomania; experimental study [R. Carratala] Jorn.neuropsiquiat.panam., actas (1939) 2:781-791, '41

41B6: experiences with autogenous blood in urticaria and asthma. [K. and H. Kondo] Okayama-Igkkai-Zasshi 53:886-887, April '41

41B7: intradermal autohemotherapy of pain [V.F. Pataro] Dia med. 13:575, June 30, '41

41B8: intraglandular autohemotherapy in fourth venereal disease, with report of cases [G.Amato] Gaz.clin.39:127-133, April '41

41B9: local application of patient's blood in cutaneous leishmaniasis [M.V. Bobrov] Vrach.delo (nos. 11-12) 22:785-788, '40

41B10: local autohemotherapy in ulcers of cornea, [N.O. Blyumenfeld] Vestnik oftal. 18:373-377, '41

41B11: malarial disease uncovered by autohemo-fever therapy after 35 years, [T.P.Prout & C. A. Losada] J.M. Soc. New Jersey 38:647- 648, Dec. '41

41B12: perifocal autoserotherapy of ulcers and wounds [P. Valentie de Oliveira] Paulo 12:13-17, June-July '41

41B13: treatment of chorea minor with intraspinal injections of patient's own serum, [H. Broekema] Maandschr.v.kindergeneesk. 9:477-487, Sept. '40

41C1 Hall, A.Z., The use and limitations of auto-hemic therapy. NAT. ECLECT. M. ASS. Q., 1940-41, 32: No. 3, 42-4 [619.1]

42A1: Magerl, J.F., Influence of ultraviolet radiation on immunobiologic activity of blood. Ztschr. f. Immunit„tsforsch. u. Exper. Therap. 99:378-385.

42A2: Lapp., A.D., Asthma treated with patient's blood serum, Brit.M.J. 1:552, May 2, 1942.

42A3: Arias, P., Autohemotherapy (Caride Massini) in epilepsy, Semana M‚d. 2:1113-1115, Nov. 6, 1941.

42A4: Rietti, E., Autohemotherapy in dysmenorrhea, Semana M‚d. 2:593-4, Sept. 4, 1941.

42A5: de Mienicki, M., Effect of autoserum administered by intradermal route on psoriasis patients. Ann. de Dermat. et Syph. 10:1054-1063, 1939-1940.

42B1: Marks, M.M., Lymphopathia venereum, autoserum as specific antigen, South.M.J. 35:1092-1097, Dec. 1942.

42B2: Moreno, B.O., Therapy of inflammatory forms of chronic rheumatism, with special reference to autohemolysotherapy; preliminary report. Bol. d. Inst. Clin. Quir. 18:435-437, July, 1942.

43A1: Alvaro, M.E., Attempted autohemotherapy in genuine arterial hypertension. Hospital, Rio de Janiero 22:599-604, Oct. '42.

43A2: Forster, E., Therapy of infections and allergic diseases with autogenous blood treated with short wave irradiation. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 68:86, Jan. 23, 1942.

43A3: Naide, M., Treatment of leg ulcers with blood and concentrated plasma (lyovac). Am. J. M. Sc. 205:489-493, April 1943.

43B1: Ruiz Moyano Flores, J., Autohemotherapy in malaria and its interpretation in light of new pathogenic knowledge. Semana M‚d. Espa¤. 6:70, Jan. 16, 1942.

43B2: Kondo, K. & H., Cure of urticaria and bronchial asthma by intramuscular autohemic injection. Far East. Sc. Bull. 1:41, Sept. 1941 [abstract].

43B3: Barbosa, R. F., Intracutaneous autoserotherapy in essential hypertension; preliminary report. Med. Cir. Pharm., pp. 197-199, April 1943.

43B4: Prudente, A., Regeneration technic in plastic surgery, using blood as "nutritive bed"; illustrative case of wound of buttock. Arq. de cir, cl¡n. e exper. 6:272-280, Aptil-June 1943.

43B5: Bobrov, M.V., Treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis with blood dressings. Trop. Dis. Bull. 40:441, June 1943 [abstract]

44A1: Kreyes, H., Application and technic of autogenous blood dressings in leg ulcers resistant to therapy. Ztschr. f. „rztl. Fortbild. 39:360-362, Aug. 15, 1942.

44A2: Desai, D.B., Autohemotherapy, Antiseptic 40:608-10, Nov. 1943.

44A3: Jofre de Villegas, F., Autohemotherapy in cerebral hemorrhage. Semana M‚d. Espa¤. 6:49, July 10, 1943.

44A4: Raettig, H., Convalescent serum in combination with autohemotherapy. Bull. War Med. 4:473, April, 1944 [Abstract]

44A5: Zu¤iga P., S.T., Intracisternal injection of arsphenamine treated serum in therapy of neurosyphilis. Med. y cir., Bogot  8:204-214, Feb. 1944.

44A6: Rabinovitz, E., Treatment of typhoid fever by autohemotherapy. Harefuah 26:87, March 1, 1944.

44B1: Du‚k, H., Autohemotherapy in gravidic vomiting. An. brasil. de ginec. 17:197-203, March 1944.

44B2: Vieira de Rocha, R., Nicolas-Favre disease, with special reference to new technic of therapy; use of autohemotherapy and salicylazosulfanilamide (sulfonamide). Med.cir.pharm., pp. 167- 176, March 1944.

44B3: Raettig, H., Treatment of typhus fever by convalescent serum in combination with autohemotherapy. Trop. Dis. Bull. 41:275-276, April 1944 [abstract]

44B4: Consales, P.A., and W. T. O'Connell, Use of blood in treatment of duodenal fistula. New England J. Med. 231:582-4, Oct. 26, 1944.

45A1: Massini, P. Caride, Cerebral hemorrhage: Caride Massini autotherapy. Semana m‚d. 1:269-273, Feb. 4, 1942.

45B1: Boccia, D., M. Bonafina & D., Ugazio, Autohemotherapy in arterial hypertension. Prensa M‚d, La Paz 4:130; 140, July-August, 1944.

45B2: Mohanty, J.K., Local autohemotherapy in carbuncle; analysis of 27 cases. Antiseptic 42:384-390, July 1945.

45D1: Stevanin, M., Autoemolisoterapia in alcune dermopatie. DERMOSIFILOGRAPHO, 1944, 19 (May-June) 67-76. [1103 n]

45D2: Sammartino, E.S., Sistema universal para la practica de la hemoterapia flebo e hipodermoclisis. SEM. MþD., B. AIR., 1945, 52: pt 2 (Sept. 13), 407-425. [1129 o]

46A1: Erkun, S., Autohemotherapy in hemorrhagic cystitis. Trk tip cem.mec. 11:394-5, 1945.

46A2: Orbach, E.J., Use of blood-kaolin-penicillin paste in treatment of varicose and torpid leg ulcers. Am. J. Surg. 71:253-255, Feb. 1946.

46B1: Cardoso, L. E., Increasing surgical field in intra- abdominal surgery by intraperitoneal injection of patient's blood. Brasil m‚d.-cir. 8:1-6, Feb. 1946.

46B2: Pezzarossa, G., Presumed power of autohemotherapy to turn syphilitic seroreactions negative; recent syphilis (primary and secondary period), Ateneo parmense 16:159-167, 1945.

46B3: de Reyes Pugnaire, M., Stenosing rectitis; attempted therapy by perirectal autohemotherapy; cases. Med. colon., Madrid 8:38-50, July 1, 1946.

46B4: Bessone, L., Therapy of psoriasis by means of intracutaneous autoserotherapy according to de Mienicki. Dermosifilografo 17:463-49\80, August 1942,

46B5: Kook, N., Treatment of recurrent shoulder dislocation with autohemo-injections. Acta med. orient. 5:277-279, August 1946.

46D1: Reyes Pugnaire, M. de., Rectitis estenosantes; ensayos de su tratamiento por la autohemoterapia perirrectal. MED. COLON, MADRID, 1946, 8: No. 1. (Jul. 1), 38-50. [468 l]

47A1: Vivian, M., Autoserotherapy for treatment of drug addiction. M. Press 217:338-341, April 23, 1947.

47A2: Schiassi, B., Critical study of hemocrinotherapy of various inflammations. Policlinico (sez. prat.) 49:1377, Oct. 5, 1942; 1421, Oct. 12, 1943.

47A3: Ross, B., and P.J. Richeson, Intensive autohemotherapy of acne. U.S.Nav.M.Bull. 47:154-155, Jan.-Feb., 1947.

47A4: Frad… and S. Onorato, Relation between autohemotherapy and blood groups. Boll. Soc. Ital. biol. sper. 22:36-37, Jan.-Feb. 1946.

47B1: Saasa and Daire, Asthma of anaphylactic origin cured by progressive intradermal autoserotherapy; case in child 4 years old. Alg‚rie m‚d., pp. 495-6, June-July, 1947.

47B2: Lazoravits, L., Combined therapy of circulatory disorders of heart with autogenous blood and circulatory hormone (cardiokinetic muscle extract). Orvosok lapja 3:195-197, Feb. 16, 1947.

47B3: Brocq, P. & T. Stephanopoli, Metabolic role of erythrocytes in reparation and upkeep of cellular tissues; new data on hemotherapy. Bull. Acad. nat. m‚d. 131:408-410, June 10-17, 1947.

47C1: Ryss, S. & Stroikowa, X., La transfusion de l'homosang dans la th‚raupeutique de la maladie ulc‚reuse de l'estomac et du duod‚num. ARCH. MAL. APP. DIGEST, 1945, 34: (Oct.-Dec.), 307-322. [61 a]

47D1: Wallis, R., Application of auto-hemotherapy in gynecological cases. 671-3, M. MOUNT SINAI HOSP., N. YORK, 1947, 14: No. 3 (Sept. - Oct.) [1256 s]

47D2: Stern, H.J., Autohaemo-therapy in hordeolosis., 766-9, BRIT. J. OPHTH., 1947, 31: No. 12 (Dec.) [1618 s]

48A1: Hussenstein, J., Autohemotherapy and penicillin in phlebitis. Semaine d. h“p. Paris 23:2861-2864, Dec. 21, 1947.

48A2: Orator, V., combination of sulfonamide or penicillin with stimulant therapy; injection of penicillin mixed with patient's own blood. Wien. med. Wchnschr. 98:20-22, Jan. 10, 1948.

48B1: Battaglini, S., Intracutaneous autoserum therapy of psoriasis (de Mienicki). Dermosifilografo 23:89-93, March-April, 1948.

48B2: de Reyes Pugnaire, M., Therapy of inflammatory rectal stenosis; perirectal autohemotherapy and reaction of presacral sympathetic (superior hypogastric plexus). Rev.espa¤. cir., traumatol.y ortop. 7:54-67, July-August 1947.

48B3: Hasche-Klnder, R., Traumatic muscular tuberculosis following autoserotherapy. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 73:371-372, Sept. 3, 1948.

48C1: Tolone, S., La regolazione autoemoterapica della resistenza capillare; meccanismo d'azione del-autoemoterapia. [546 h]

49A1: Meyer, F., Autoserotherapy of furunculosis; 2 cases. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 74:546, April 29, 1949.

49A2: Greval, S.D.S., Serologic technic. Indian M. Gaz. 83:549- 551, Dec. 1948.

49A3: Sperber, P.A., Whale oil, trichophytin and autoserotherapy in treatment of epidermophytosis. Ann. Allergy 7:91-102, Jan.- Feb., 1949.

49B1: Poth, D.O., Autohemotherapy of herpes zoster; results in 154 cases. Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 69:636-638, Oct. 1949.

49B2: Dostrovsky, A., & A. Ticho, Case of ocular leprosy treated with autoserum from cantharides blisters. Internat. J. Leprosy 17:434-47, Jan.-June, 1949.

49D1: Weissenbach, R.J., L'autoh‚moth‚rapie intradermique. HþPITAL, 1949, 37: No. 576 (July), 147. [568 h]

49D2: Poth, D.O., Autohemotherapy of herpes zoster; results in 154 cases. 636-8. ARCH. DERM. SYPH., CHIC., 1949, 60: No. 4 (Oct.) [989 b]

49H1: Saxon, Leo, "Treatment of herpes zoster with special reference to autohemotherapy", J. Am. Inst. Homeop. Oct. 1949, 213.

49H2: Mease, "Modified Autohemic Therapy", J.Florida M.A.,, SSSVI July 1949, 22-25.