Copyright 1995-2001 S.H. Shakman, Institute Of Science; all
rights reserved.
30A1: autohemotherapy, as therapeutic agent, [E. C. Vivanco] Semana
m‚d. 2: 1256Ä1265, Oct. 31, ,29
30A2: hemolized autohemotherapy; cases, [Fontoynont]
Bull.Soc.path.esot. ~:120Ä122, ,30
30A3: in chorea, [S. AzmyÄBey & A. ElÄAgaty] Cong.
m‚ d'hyg., Compt.rend. 2: 727Ä 729, '29
30A4: in diseases of eyes [J. Jirman] Casop.l‚k.cesk.
68:1768-1771, Dec. 20, ,29
30A5: in myeloid and In lymphatic leukemia, [W. Bensis
Contomercos] Sang 4:49-53, 30
30A6: in ocular diseases, [E. Avalos] oftal.y oto-
rino-laring. 7:361Ä365, Dec. 29
30A7: in postoperative pulmonary complications [GoÄKoÄRin] Taiwan
Igakkai Zasshi, no. 294, p. 58, Sept. '29
30A8: mu1tiforme, bulous erythema, Bazin's hydroa, recurrent for 10
years, cured with autohemotherapy; case, [L. Hufnagel]
Bull.Soc.fran‡.de dermat. et syph. 37:358, March '30
30A9: of chancre bubo' [J. Renner; R. M. Chevalier] Prensa
med.argent. 16: 1021Ä1024 Dec. 30, '29
30A10: of infections [Martin Salazar] Siglo m‚d. 85: 358-360, April
6, '30
30A11: subconjunctival autohemotherapy in ocular therapeutics in
horse; cases, [Marcenac & Lemetayer] Rev.v‚ 13:399-408, Dec.
31, '29
30B1: autohemotherapy, autoplastic injections of blood in
infected or diseased bone cavities, [E. Leo] di
movimento 14:703-716, May '30
30B2: arsphenamine-autoserum treatment in syphilogenic diseases of
brain and spinal cord, [R. Rotter] Arch.f.Psychiat.
90:824-839, '30
30B3: autosero- and autohemotherapy in internal medicine, [H.
Koenigfeld] Med. Welt 4:991, July 12, '30
30B4: autoserotherapy in chronic rheumatism, [P. Le Floch] Presse
M‚d. 38: 1061-1063, Aug. 6, '30
30B5: autoserotherapy in gonorrheal complications, [T. Egerv ry]
Orvosi hetil. 74: 693-697, July 19, '30
30B6: autoserotherapy in treatment of skin diseases, particularly
psoriasis, [P. Busquet] Gaz.d.h“p. 103: 1085-1090, July 26, '30
30B7: autoserotherapy of sympathetic ophthalmia, [R. & R. J.
Guiral] oftal. hispano-am. 30: 1-17, Jan. '30
30B8: effect of autohemotherapy and cupping on reticulocyte content
of blood, [A. Schapiro] Ztschr.f.d.ges.exper. Med.
71:800-804, '30
30B9: effects of autoproteins in immunity, [G. De Nito] Rassegna di
terap.e pat.clin. 2: 193-203, April '30
30B10: favorable results in mental diseases, [A. Hauptmann]
Med.Welt 4: 1031-1033, July 19, '30
30B11: general treatment of malignant tumors with special regard to
injections of patient's own blood which has been treated with
roentgen rays, [S. von Dziembowski] Fortschr.d.Med. 48: 567-571,
July 11, '30
30B12: in chronic leukemia, [R. Gusio] Bull.e atti d.r.Accad.
med.di Roma 56:179-186, June-July '30
30B13: in chronic malaria; cases, [M. Padoan & M. Frizziero] Riv.di
malariol. 9: 135-149, March-April '30
30B14: in convulsive cough, [L. D…riu] 11: 405-407,
Aug.1, '30
30B15: in several conditions; results in 55 cases, [S.
Jouan] Semana m‚d. 1: 1199-1201, May 8, '30
30B16: in tuberculosis, [I. Jancs¢] Orvosi hetil. 74: 750-755,
Aug.2, '30
30B17: leukocytic formula in autohemotherapy in surgical
infections, [R. Pazzagli] Gior.di 78:380-385, July '30
30B18Ä local autohemotherapy in incipient mastitis, [A. A.
Pesaresi] Riv.d'ostet.e ginec.prat. 12: 382, Aug. '30
30B19: macroscopic and microscopic changes in internal organs
produced by parenteral administration of autogenous protein, [W.
Jelin] Virchows Arch.f.path. Anat. 277: 221-227, '30
30B20: of anthrax; cases, [P. Gonz lez Montero] Arch. de med.,
cir.y espec. 32: 597-599, June 7, '30
30B21: of furunculosis, [S. F. Shirokoff] Venerol.i dermat. 7:
36-38, Jan. '30
30B22: results obtained in gonorrheal acute epididymitis from use
of ammonium sulphoichthyolate, sodium iodide, autohemotherapy and
calcium chloride, [F. Castoldi] Dermosifilografo 5: 383-400, June
30B23: treatment of lobar pneumonia by intrapulmonary injections of
patient's whole blood, [K. P. A. Taylor] Clin.Med.&& Surg. 37:
422-426, June '30
30B24: treatment of pneumonia and bronchopneumonia with daily
injections of patient's blood, [D. Simici, M. Popescu, A.
Lazarescu] Spitalul 50: 260-263, July-Aug. '30
31A1: autohemotherapy, auto-anaphylaxis in course of vesicatory
autoserotherapy in tuberculosis; case, [A. R. Nelli] 7:
523, Nov.1, '30
31A2Ä autohemotherapy and autoserotherapy, [f. J. Cramer]
Med.Welt 5: 438-440, March 28, '31
31A3Ä autohemotherapy and autoserotherapy in pulmonary
tuberculosis, [V. I. Jancs¢] Beitr.z.Klin.d.Tuberk. 76: 549-567.
31A4Ä autoserotherapy; 2 cases, [Schottky] Med.Klin. 26:
1823-1824, De. 5, '30
31A5Ä continued improvement with injections of patient's own blood
mixed with testicular extract, [Filderman]
M‚ m‚ Paris, no. 4. pp. 115-117, Feb.28, '31
31A6Ä dangers of autohemotherapy without previous exact diagnosis
and general physical examination; 4 cases, [S. Jouan] Re.m‚d.
latino-am. 16: 383-385, De. '30
31A7Ä effects of Gilbert's autoserotherapy on blood picture in
serofibrinous pleurisy; 6 cases, [M. A. Sisti] Diagnosis 10:
237-250, Aug. '30
31A8Ä erythrodermia from arsphenamine poisoning treated with
autohemotherapy but followed by subcutaneous boils and abscesses;
case, [J. Gat‚, H. Thiers & others] Bull.Soc.fran‡.de
syph. (R‚union dermat., Lyon) 38: 400-406, March '31
31A9Ä fractured neck of femur treated by injection of blood, [E. W.
Riches] Brit.M.J. 1:308, Feb. 21, '31
31A10Ä herpes zoster occurring in course of autohemotherapy; case,
[Gougerot & J. Weill] Bull.Soc.fran‡.de
syph.38:48, Jan. '31
31A11Ä in eczema impetiginosum, eczema humida acuta and
furunculosis in dogs, [D. J. Kok] Tijdschr.v.diergeneesk. 58:
128-139, Feb.1, '31
31A12Ä in furunculosis, [A. T. Balmagia] Vrach.gaz. 34:
1586-1588, Nov.15, '30
31A13Ä in glomerular nephritis, [L. Crosetti]' Alto
Adige 3: 12-20, Octo. '30
31A14Ä in mental diseases, [E. Zara] Riforma med. 47: 330-335,
March 2, '31
31A15Ä in tuberculosis; 114 cases, [V.S. Janes¢]
Verhandl.d. ungar.„rztl.Gesellsch. 2:230-232, Octo. 30
31A16Ä injections of patient's own blood, sodium nucleinate and
malaria therapy in dementia praecox, [L. Grimaldi] Manicomio 43:
113-138, May-Dec. '29
31A17Ä late syphilitic disorders (vascular syphilis and
neurosyphilis, and late latent cases with persistent positive
Wasserman reaction) treated by means of ultraviolet irradiation and
of autohemotherapy of irradiated patients, [E. Rajka & E. Radnai]
Ztschr.f.d.ges.Neurol. u.Psychiat. 131: 674-705, '31
31A18Ä spontaneous and provoked leukocytolysis in leukemic
patients; autohemotherapy, [M Piazza] Policlinico (sez. med.) 38:
116-138, March '31
31B1: autohemotherapy, autoserotherapy in trachoma, [N. Fehmi]
Rev.internat.du trachome 8:68-70, April '31
31B2Ä autoserotherapy and autohemotherapy in tuberculosis;
indications, [I. Jancs¢] Beitr.z.Klin.d.Tuberk. 78: 546-558, '31
31B3Ä autoserotherapy in tuberculosis of eye, [K. Scheider] Orvosi
hetil. 75: 821-823, Aug. 8, '31
31B4Ä biologic evaluation of patient's own blood and serum, [W.
Milbradt] Ztschr.f.d.ges.exper.Med. 79: 423-441, '31
31B5Ä in acute rheumatism of joints, [D. G. Abessalomoff] (nos.11-12) 9: 450-453, '31
31B6Ä in gonorrhea, [L. Casano Papi] 7:175, July; 227,
Aug. '31
31B7Ä in puerperal fever, [M. J. Litwak] Arch.f.Gyn„k, 146:
273-301, '31
31B8Ä in Rhus toxicodendron dermatitis, [E. Grimes] Arch.
Dermat.& Syph. 24: 725-726, Nov. '31
31B9Ä in undulant fever; case, [G. Bettinardi] Pediatria prat. 8:
268-276, Aug. '31
31B10Ä in vernal conjunctivitis, [C. Cassimatis] Cong.internat. de
m‚ d'hyg., Compt.rend. (1928) 3: 703-711, '31
31B11Ä indications and technic, [R. Bravo Garcia] Med.ibera 1:
930-934, June 13, '31
31B12Ä intracutaneous; favorable and unfavorable results, [L.
Alexander] Med.Klin. 27: 1678-1679, Nov. 13, '31
31B13Ä mechanism of action; variations in erythrocyte
sedimentation and protein content of blood after autohemotherapy in
children, [C. Sorrentino] Pediatria 39: 905-914, Sept. 1, '31
31B14Ä new method of treating acute articular rheumatism, [M. Karp] Wchnschr. 78: 1913, Nov. 6, '31
31B15Ä new treatment of neurosyphilis; association of
actinotherapy and of autohemotherapy, [C. Brody] Rev. d'actinol.
7: 334-339, May-June '31
31B16Ä of duodenal ulcer, [K. Hubert] Wien,med. Wchnschr.
81:744, May 30, '31
31B17Ä recurrent phlyctenosis of hands in young persons cured by
autohemotherapy; 2 cases, [J. L. Carrera] Prensa m‚d. argent. 18:
150-151, June30, '31
31B18Ä ultraviolet irradiation and autohemotherapy in late
syphilis, [E. Rajka & E. Radnai] Arch.Dermat.& Syph. 24:
228-235, Aug. '31; also, dermat. et syph. 2: 956-974, Sept.
31B19Ä value in mental diseases, [G. Colucci] Morgagni 73:
1273-1282, July 5, '31
31H1: Wright, Carroll S., "Nonspecific Therapy in Dermatology, a
5-year Study", Archives of Dermatology and Syphilis 23:118-131
(Jan. 1931)
32A1: autohemotherapy, [N. Burgess] Brit.J.Dermat. 44: 124-131,
March '32
32A2ÄG. del Vecchio] Studium 22: 103-107, April 1, '32
32A3Äacid-base equilibrium and skin diseases; influence of
autohemotherapy on alkali reserve and blood hydrogen ion
concentration, [M. Brozini] Rinasc. med. 9: 125-127, March 15,
32A4Äarresting hemorrhage of female genitals, [M. Oike]
Jap.J.Obst. & Gynec. 14: 461-4623, Oct. '31
32A5Äboron compounds in therapy of epilepsy and their
autohemotherapeutic application, [G.C. van Walsem] Psychiat.en 35: 466-492, July-Aug. '31
32A6Äcalcium chloride and autoserotherapy in exudative pleurisy
and serous effusions, [L. Saighini] Pensiero med. 20: 671, Oct.
31, '31; 726, Nov. 30, '31
32A7Äcombined use of autohemotherapy and endocrine therapy in
various psychopathies, [R. Biot] Progr‚s med., pp.329-333, Feb.20,
32A8Ähormonal stimulation by ovaraden (ovarian preparation) and by
autohemotherapy, [L. Sternheim] Med. Welt 6: 164, Jan.30, '32
32A9Äin herpes zoster, [S. Cherubino] Dermosifilografo 6: 708,
Dec. '31
32A10Äin pulmonary tuberculosis, [K. Szepesi] Budapesti orvosi
ujs g 30: 291-293, March 24, '32
32A11Äin tuberculosis, [G. D niel & E. Schiffbeck] Orvosi hetil.
75: 933-994, Oct. 10, '31
32A12Äintraspinal autoserotherapy in poliomyelitic tetraplegia;
case, [J. Skoulikides & J. Kostazos] Semaine d.hop. de Paris 7:
613-616, Dec. 15, '31
32A13Äintravenous injection of quinine-arsenic preparation and
patient's own blood in malaria, [Ritouvanziam & L. V. Xuyen] Monde
m‚d.., Paris 42: 50-55, Jan.15, '32
32A14Änew method of treating acute articular rheumatism, [W. Vez‚r] Wchnschr. 78: 2202, Dec. 25, '31 [Comment on Karp's
32A15Äsubconjunctival autohemotherapy in ulcerative keratitis,
[Masselin] Paris, pp.114-119, Feb. '32
32A16Ätherapy of acute gonorrheal archiepididymitis with
intra-orchiepididymal autohemotherapy, [A. Valerio] Folha med. 12:
387, Nov. 25, '31
32A17Ätherapy of neurodermatitis and eczema by cutaneous
distension and local autohemotherapy, [M. Hamburger, P. Mare & A.
Waynberger] Bull.m‚d.., Paris 46: 263-264, April 9, '32
32B1: autohemotherapy, by intradermal autohemolysis, [M. Galioto]
Dermosifilografo 7: 18-24, Jan. '32
32B2Äautoserotherapy in tuberculous pleurisy, [D. Schssler] Wchnschr. 82: 1196-1197, Sept. 17, '32
32B3Äefficacious treatment against inveterate alcoholism [J. L¢pez
Lomba] Rev. m‚d. latino-am. 17: 710-714. Feb. '32
32B4Äin acute rheumatic polyarthritis, [F. S. Yurev] Sovet. vrach.
gaz., pp.321-324, July 15, '32
32B5Äin bronchopneumonia and influenza, [P. I. Glazko & N. I.
Gornakov] Sovet.vrach.gaz., pp.819-821, July 15, '32
32B6Äin gastric and duodenal ulcer. [A. O. Villert] Sovet. klin.
16: 305-312, '31
32B7Äin mental diseases, [C. Poli] Riv.sper.di freniat. 56:
664-679, Sept. 30, '32
32B8Äin otitis externa, [G. A. Jarkovskiy] Sovet. vrach. gaz.,
pp.169-170, Feb.15, '32
32B9Ätyphoid, [G. Bettinardi] Pediatria 40: 932-943, Sept.1, '32
32B10Äiridocyclitis of sympathetic type cured by autohemotherapy;
case, [M. Marin Amat. & M. Mar¡n Enciso]
oftal.hispano.-am. 32: 373-378, July '32
32B11Änew method of autoserotherapy in severe asthma and in
spasmodic aperiodic coryza. [A. Jacqulein, J. Turiaf, Davous &
R‚veillaud] m‚d. Soc. m‚d. Paris 48: 557-567,
May 2, '32
32H1: Low, Cranston R., "The Uses of Non-Specific Protein
Therapy", Brit. M.J., Sept. 24, 1932, 577-80
33A1 autohemotherapy, after aspiration of abscess, [A. L.
Fisanovich] Vrach.delo 15: 637-639, '32
33A2Äautoserotherapy of pseudarthrosis, [R. Imbert] Bull. et m‚m.
Soc. nat. de chir. 59: 406-415, March 18, '33
33A3Äcarbuncle, [I. D. Jones] Sind M.J. 5: 131-132, Dec. '32
33A4Ägonococcic rheumatism during puerperium; therapy with
antigonococcic vaccine prepared at Pasteur Institute and
autohemotherapy, [Auddebert, Ribat & Bec] Bull.Soc. d'obst. et de
gyn‚c. 22: 262-263, Feb. '33
33A5Äheliotherapy and autohemotherapy of late syphilitic
conditions, [E. Rajka & E. Radnai] Dermat. Wchnschr.95:
1829-1831, Dec. 17, '32
33A6Äin herpes zoster, [G. Collosi] Umbria med. 12: 2099-2102,
Jan. '32
33A7Äin otosclerosis, [L. S. Kavalerchik] Russk.oto=laring. 24:
133-134, '31
33A8Äin ozena and atrophic rhinitis, [V. I. Strelova] Russk. oto-
laring. 24: 510-519, '31
33A9Äin pulmonary tuberculosis, [S. d'Amore] Gazz.d.osp.
54:131-138, Jan. 29, '33
33A10Äinjection into anterior chamber in tuberculosis of iris;
control of results by animal tests, [I. Baer] Klin.
Monatsbl.f.Augenh. 90: 485-492, April ' 33
33A11Ämechanism of action, [F. Schrer-Waldheim] Deutsche
Ztschr.f.Chir. 239: 352-362, '33
33A12ÄMeller theory on role of tuberculous bacteremia in
pathogenesis of sympathetic opththalmia and Schieck method of
injecting patient's own blood into anterior chamber in therapy of
tuberculous diseases of eye, [W. Riehm] Klin.Monatsbl.f.Augenh.
90: 477-485, April '33
33A13Äof erysipelas, [L. Lajos] Zentralbl.f.Gyn„k. 57: 586-593,
March 11, '33
33A14Äof erysipelas, [V. F. Shubert & M. N. Bandin] Klin. med.
(nos. 11-12) 10: 368-369, '32
33A15Äof puerperal eclampsia, [I. Sztehlo] Gy¢gy szat 73: 82-83,
Feb. 5, '33
33A16Ärapid disappearance of profuse eruption of warts after
autohemotherapy; discussion of therapeutic value of suggestion, [A.
S‚zary & P. Auz‚py] Bull.Soc. fran‡. de syph. 39:
1625-1626, Dec. '32
33A17Äresults of injections of own blood into anterior chamber in
ocular tuberculosis of anterior part of bulb. [F. Schieck]
Klin.Monatsbl.f.Augenh. 90: 1-8, Jan. '33
33A18Ätuberculosis of anterior section of eyeball;
autohemotherapy by injections into anterior chamber, [Schieck] Ber.
. d. Versamml. d. deutsch. ophth. Gesellsch. 49: 183-188, '32
33A19Ävalue of injections of hemolyzed blood in deep seated
phlegmons; 4 cases, [F. de Macedo Chaves] Med. contemp. 50:
397-398, Dec.25, '32
33A20Ävasomotor affections of nose and their relation to
bronchial asthma (Flandin method of autoserotherapy), [A.E. Wright]
Proc.Roy.Soc.Med. 26: 412-414, Feb. '33; also, J.Laryng.& Otol. 48:
252-256, April '33
33A21 history, forerunners of serum therapy, [M. Neuburger] M:
707-710, De. '32 [Reprint]
33B1 autogenous, autohemotherapy in psychiatry, [Beelitz Med.Welt
7:1330, Sept.16, '33
33B2Äautohemotherapy in puerperal fever, [V. Rubeska]
Casap.Lek.cesk. 72: 1207, Octo.autohemotherapy 6, '33; 1240,
Octo.autohemotherapy 13, '33
33B3Äautohemotherapy in zona, [Le Calv‚] Prat.m‚d.fran‡. 14:
551-557, Aug. autohemotherapy (A-B) '33
33B4Äautohemotherapy of erysipelas, [L. Lajos] Orvosi hetil. 77:
755-757, Aug.26, '33
33B5Äautoserotherapy in exudative pleurisy and in polyserositis,
[B. de Luca & I. Maccherini] prat. 15: 392-418, Sept.
33B6Äautoserotherapy in trachoma and its corneal complications, [R.
S. Khursan] Sovet.vestnik oftal. 2: 181-185, '33
33B7Äautoserotherapy, using iodized serum, in therapy of
colloidoclastic diathesis, chron. arthritis and hyperthyroidism,
[E. Joltrain] Gaz.m‚ France, pp.367-373, May 15, '33
33B8Äcombined autohemotherapy and vaccinotherapy, [R. Schwarcz & V.
L¢pez Zabaleta] Rev.m‚d.del Rosario 22: 728-738, Sept. '32
33B9Äfate of own blood injected into various tissues, [K. Maeda]
Okayama-Igakkai-zasshi 45: 1681-1682, July '33
33B10Äfurther observations (in skin diseases of allergic origin),
[N. Burgess] Brit.J.Dermat. 45: 333-340, Aug.-Sept. '33
33B11Ähemostasis of hemophilic hemorrhage with roentgen
irradiations of spleen and liver associated with autohemotherapy,
[G. B. Costa Starricco] Pediatria 41: 1164-1170, Sept. '33
33B12Äin chronic forms of mental diseases, [S. di Mauro] Cervello
12: 263-266, July15, '33
33B13Äin grave ulcerative colitis, [R. Bensaude, P. Oury & H. Dany] L'app.digestif 23: 577-592, June '33
33B14Äin mental diseases, [P. Durando] Osp.maggiore 21: 209-213,
April '33
33B15Äin rheumatic infectious polyarthritis, [P. I. Glazko]
Sovet.vrach.gaz., pp.169-171, March 15-31, '33
33B16Äin schizophrenia, [O. Freytag] Psychiat.-neurol.Wchnschr. 35:
322, July1, '33; comment by Magenau 35: 468, Sept.23, '33
33B17Äprevention and treatment of serum anaphylaxis by injections
of patient's own blood, [C. Rother] Zentralbl.f.Chir. 60:
1336-1338, June 10, '33
33B18Äresults of ultraviolet therapy and autohemotherapy
(Rajka-Radnal method) in syphilis with irreducible Wassermann
reaction, [R. Glassner] Bull.Soc.Fran‡.de syph.
(R‚union dermat.) 40: 531-532, April '33
33B19Ätherapy of erythromelalgia by injection of patient's own
blood, [T. Kaku] Arch.f.jap.Chir. 10: 916-917, July1, '33
33B20Ätreatment of acute gonorrheal epididymitis by injection of
patient's whole blood, [L. M. Bellin] Illinois M.J. 64: 480-482,
Nov. '33
33B21Ätreatment of anemia with patient's own blood, that has been
treated by ultraviolet rays, [C. Fervers] Deutsches
Arch.f.klin.Med. 175: 226-240, '33
34A1 autogenous, [M. John] 81:177-178, Feb.2,
34A2Äautohemotherapy in furunculosis, [J. Pou D¡az] Cr¢n. m‚d.,
Valencia 37: 931-936, Dec. 15, '33
34A3Äautohemotherapy in incoercible vomiting in pregnancy; 2 cases,
[L. Henri-Petit] Arch.M‚ Province 23: 311-312, Aug.-Sept.
34A4Äautohemotherapy in malaria, [G. Lio] Riv.san.siciliana 21:
265-268, Feb. 15, '33
34A5Äautohemotherapy in otorhinolaryngologic diseases, [J.
Garzoni & M. O. Gomes Veiga] Rev.M‚ 19: 386-391, Jan.
34A6Äautohemotherapy in ozena, [Meyrelles do Souto] Rev. de laryng.
54: 1171-1178, Nov. '33
34A7Äautohemotherapy in puerperal fever, [V. Rubeska]
Casop.lek.cesk. 72: 1260-1263, Oct. 20, '33
34A8Äautoserotherapeutic injections into nasal mucosa in asthma and
respiratory tract diseases; 9 cases, [A. Jacquelin & G. Bonnet]
Presse m‚d. 42: 249-251, Feb.14, '34
34A9Äbehavior of homoplastic bone transplants prophylactically
treated with blood serum of host; preliminary report, [S.
Grisanti] Riv.san.siciliana 22: 3-18, Jan.1, '34
34A10Äcure of gonococcic septicemia by autohemotherapy: case, [A.
M. Zelasco, N. Bakmas & J. M. Pastoriza] Semana m‚d. 2:
2025-2027, Dec. 21, '33
34A11Äindications for autohemotherapy according to Oliveira Botelho
method, [J. G. Gernandes] Gaz.clin. 31: 262-265, Oct. '33
34A12Ämechanism of action, [L. C. Waintraub] Bull.Soc.fran‡.de syph. 40: 1798-1802, Dec. '33
34A13Äovarian hemocrinotherapy in scleroderma, [A. S‚zary & A.
Horowitz] Bull.Soc.fran‡.de syph. 41: 68-71, Jan. '34
34A14Äpremenstrual liver crises treated by preparation of
menstrual blood, [R. Jahiel] l'app. digestif 23:
1008-1010, Nov. '33
34A15Ästrengthening defense of syphilitic patients;
autohemotherapy, [H. Gougerot & J. Meyer] Bull.g‚ th‚rap. 184:
337-251, Sept.-Octo. '33
34A16Ätechnic of autogenous blood injection into anterior chamber
according to Schieck method, [H. Traumann]
Klin.Monatsbl.f.Augenh. 92: 391, March '34
34A17Ätherapy of gonorrheal epididymitis and arthritis by
intravenous injections of hemolyzed autogenous blood, [A. Ingman]
Finska I„k.-s„llsk.handl. 75: 1051-1066, Nov. '33
34A18Ätherapy of localized pruritus and circumscribed eczema by
local injections of novocain (procaine hydrochloride) and
patient's own blood, [A. Tzanck, O. Berger & E. Sidi]
Bull.Soc.fran‡.de syph. 40: 1728--1734, De. '33
34A19Ätherapy of tuberculous iridocyclitis by autohemotherapy in
anterior chamber of eye, [A. Moreu] oftal hispano-am. 33:
699-703, Dec. '33
34A20Ätreatment of anemias with patient's own blood after it has
been irradiated with ultraviolet rays, [C. Fervers] Deutsche
med.Wchnschr. 59: 1922-1923, Dec.29, '33
34A21Ätreatment of pneumonia with patient's own blood
defibrinated by ultraviolet rays, [K. Nasvytis] Medicina, Kaunas
14: 649-651, Nov. '33
34A22Ävagaries of cancer and deductions therefrom (use of washed
autogenous erythrocytes), [H. Gray] Internat.J.Med.& Surg. 46:
578-583, Dec. '33
34A23Ähistory, life of Roux; contributions to development of
serotherapy, [A. Bachmann] Buenos Aires
(num. extraord.), pp.5-13, '33
34B1Äautogenous, autohemotherapy in cerebral hemorrahage;
preliminary report, [R. Colella & G. Pizzillo] Rassegna
internaz.di clin.e terap. 15: 386-393, April 15, '34; also,
Minerva med. 2: 169-173, Aug. 4, '34
34B2Äautohemotherapy, [P. E. Morhardt] Presse m‚d. 42: 1300,
Aug.15, '34
34B3Äautohemotherapy and gold therapy in tuberculosis, [T. Roux
deLaroque] Avenir m‚d. 31: 205-209, July-Aug. '34
34B4Äautohemotherapy in inflammatory gynecologic diseases, [B.
Schilling] Gy¢gy szat 74: 614-616, Octo. 21, '34
34B5Äautohemotherapy in schizophrenia. [P. G. Quir¢s]
neurobiol. 313: 931-936, July-Dec. '33
34B6Äautohemotherapy of acute rheumatism, [A.P. Khokhlov] (no.4) 12: 649-652, '34; abstr., Sovet. vrach. gaz., pp.
544-545, April15, '34
34B7Äautohemotherapy of depression, [G. Giehm] Med.Klin. 30:
803-804, June 15, '34
34B8Äcombined intensive calcium therapy and autohemotherapy in
mental diseases, [G. Aschieri] Gior.di pschiat.e di neuropat. 62:
87-94, '34
34B9Äexanthematous typhus successfully treated by
autohemotherapy; 16 cases, [A. Babalian] Bull.Sox.path. exot. 37:
235-236, '34
34B10Ähemmorhagic rectitis with sanguinary dyscrasia; value of
autohemotherapy; case, [L. Morenas] Lyon m‚d 153: 673-677, June
10, '34
34B11Äintraocular autohemotherapy in tuberculosis of anterior
portion of eye, [A. Garcia Miranda] oftal hispano-am. 34:
349-377, July '34
34B12Älocal autohemotherapy of arthritis, [U. Rondelli] Minerva
med. 1: 704-705, May 19, '34
34B13Äprevention of accidents due to reinjection of serums by use
of autohemotherapy, [Robert] p‚ Paris 32:
435-436, July '34
34B14Äserum treatment for opium addicts, [L. S. Huizenga] Chinese
M.J. 48: 741-744, Aug. '34
34B15Ätherapy of ozena with Spiess method (submucous injections of
patient's blood), [P. Gritti] Boll.d.mal.d.orecchio, d.gola,
d.naso 52: 465-489, Sept. '34
34B16Ätreatment of pulmonary suppuration with intravenous
injections of alcohol in combination with autohemotherapy, [A. S.
Salishchev] (no.8) 12: 1158-1162, '34
35A1 autogenous, [Vorschtz] Ztschr.f.„rztl.Fortbild. 31:
703-706, Dec. 15, '34
35A2Äautohemotherapy and splenic crinotherapy in elephantiasis of
leg; recovery of case, [Filderman]‚ m‚ Paris
138: 566-567, Nov.24, '34
35A3-autohemotherapy as new method in asthma, [P. Levin]
Rev.Asoc.m‚d.argent. 48: 1494-1498, Dec.'34
35A4Äautohemotherapy in anemia using blood irradiated with
ultraviolet solar rays, [B. Boggian & F. Canova] Riv.di
idroclimat.,talassol.e terap.fis. 46: 31-39, Jan. '35
35A5: autohemotherapy in bronchial asthma, [K. Maddox & R. Back]
M.J.Australia 1: 277-278, March 2, '35
35A6: autohemotherapy in cerebral apoplexy, [N. Ronco] Terapia 24:
335-337, Nov. 34
35A7: autohemotherapy in trachomatous pannus and corneal ulcers,
[A. P. Zakharov] Sovet.vestnik oftal. 5: 437
35A8: autohemotherapy in various diseases of children (recurrent
vomiting, chorea minor and nocturnal enuresis), [C. Cardinali]
Pedlatria prat. 12:1-4, Jan. 35
35A9: autohemotherapy; indications and its use as vehicle tor
medicaments, [E. Achitouv] Presse med. 42: 2016-2017, Dec. 15 '34
35A10: autohemotherapy of puerperal mastitis, [L. Sinn], 82: 133-134, Jan. 24, 35
35A11: autohemotherapy of verruca; results in 11 cases, [A. Sezary
& A Horowitz] Bull.Soc.fran‡.de syph. 42: 308-312, Feb.
35A12: further study on autohemotherapy, with special reference to
its use in some forms of otorhinolaryngology, [A. della
Vedova, Jr.] Gazz.d.osp [56]:403-406, April 14, 35
35A13: injection of autogenous blood into anterior chamber in
tuberculous iritis, [H. Serr] Ber.u.d.Versamml.d.
deutsch.ophth.Gesellsch. 50:41-48, 34
35A14: intramuscular autohemotherapy, new treatment for cerebral
hemorrhage; 7 cases; preliminary report, [R Colella & G Pizzillo]
Ztschr.f.d.ges.Neurol.u. Psychiat. 152: 337-344, '35: also,
Med.argent. 14:1-5, Jan. 35; also, Riv.di pat.nerv. 45:116-127,
Jan.-Feb. 35, also, Forze san. 4: 212-219, Feb. 10, 36; also, 85: 341-344, March 23 '35; also, Presse med. 43:
574-576, Aprll 10, '35
35A15: introduction of autogenous blood into anterior chamber
according to Schieck method In tuberculosis iridocyclitis, [M. L.
Krasnov] Sovet.vestnik oftal. 5: 522-527, 34
35A16: leukocytic formula in trachoma before, during and after
autohemotherapy, [G. Bossalino] Boll.d'ocul. 14: 225-235 Feb. '35
35A17: mechanism of action of autohemotherapy in cerebral
hemorrhage, study of isohemolytic and iso-agglutination and
hemagglutination phenomena In blood; 16 cases, [G. Rabboni & S. F.
Gurrieri] Policlinico (sez, med.) 42: 163-168, March '36
35A18: procedure for arsenical autohemotherapy (exohemophylaxis)
with highly diluted injections in syphilis [L. C. Waintraub]
Ann.d.mal.ven. 30: 265-270, April '36
35A19: technic and mechanism of injections of autogenous blood into
anterior chamber according to Schieck method in tuberculous
iridocyclitis, [W. Kyrieleis] Ztschr.f.Augenh. 85:16-23, Dec. 34
35A20: therapy of psoriasis by injection of patients own blood
which has been treated by ultraviolet rays. [M. Murayama]
J.Orient.Med. (Abstr. Sect.) 22:40, March'35.
35A21: treatment of erythema nodosum with injections of patient's
own blood. [J. Heimbeck], Norsk mag. f. l‘gevidensk. 96:390-394,
April '35
35A22: ultraviolet irradiation and autohemotherapy of syphilis. [K.
Pogany] Orvosi hetil. 79:214-215, Feb. 23, '35.
35A23: use of patient's own serum in combating opium addiction, [L.
S. Huizenga & P. H. Jukao Ku], Geneesk. tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indi‰
75:22-23, Jan. 8, '35.
35A24: value of autohemotherapy in arterial hypertension, [V. M.
Buscaino & V. Longo] Rassegna Internaz.di clin.e terap. 16:
124-127, Feb. 15, 36
35B1: autogenous, action of autohemotherapy on nitrogen fractions
of blood, [C. Negri & G. Terzi] Gior.di clin. med. 16: 739-752,
June 30, 35
35B2: action of autohemotherapy on plasmatic and globular
cholesteremia, [C. Negri] Gior.di 16: 725-738, June 30,
35B3: action of hemotherapy on calcemia and on chlorides in blood
and urine, [C. Negri & C. Chiodarelli] Gior.di clin. med. 16:
858-869, July 20, 35
35B4: action of hemotherapy on diastases in blood and urine, [C.
Negri & G. Tattoni] Gior. di 16: 870-880, July 20, 35
35B5: application of intra-ocular autohemotherapy according to
Schieck in heredosyphilitic parenchymatous keratitis, [I.
Brecher], Klin. Monatsbl.f.Augenh. 95: 83-87, July 35
35B6: arterial pressure after autohemotherapy, [L. Gipperich]
Ateneo parmense 7:173-176 May-June 35
35B7: ascites treated by autohemotherapy; case [B. L. Kamra] Indian
M.Gaz. 70: 626, Nov. '35.
35B8: attempts at therapy of ozena with autohemotherapy; clinical
study [E. Tavani] Ann.di laring.,otol. 35:1-22, '35
35B9: autohemotherapy in arterial hypertension [G. Pizzillo]
Riforma med. 51:1505-1508 Oct. 5 '35
35B10: autohemotherapy in certain forms of allergic supprations [O.
Coquelet] Ann.Soc.belge de chir. 34-32: 203-208 April
35B11: Autohemotherapy in epilepsy [V. A. Lukashev] Klin. med. 13:
600-601 Aprll 35
35B12: autohemotherapy of anterior chamber in tuberculous
iridocyclitis [P. Mata] oftal.hispano-am. 35: 270-273 May
35B13: autohemotherapy of cerebral hemorrhages, cases, [R.
Colella & G. Pizzillo] neurol. 54: 145-152 March
35; also J.Nerv.& Ment.Dis. 82: 652-659, Dec. '35
35B14: autohemotherapy ot pneumonia: 10 years of experience. [G.
Tillmann] 82:1604-1607 Oct. 4, 35
35B15: autoserotherapy with blister serum in therapy of
toxicomania [R. E. Carratali] 49: 641-645 May
35; also criminol. psiquiat.y med.leg. 22: 362-366 May-June
35B16: effect of autohemotherapy on blood picture [L. Gipperich]
Gior.di 16: 952-961 Aug. 10 '35
35B17: injection of tuberculous patients with their own blood,
preliminary communication [O. Amrein] J.State Med 43: 426-429 July
35B18: injections into nasal mucosa in bronchial asthma; 11 cases
[D. Moruzzi] Policlinico (sez. prat.) 42: 905-911 May 13 35
35B19: local autohemotherapy in trachoma, [J. Balza & R. Romano
Yalour] Buenos Aires 10: 502-504 July 35
35B20: morphine addiction; treatment by autogenous serum; Modenos
phlyctenar method; preliminary report [T. D. Lee] Northwest Med.
34: 313 Aug. 35
35B21: new treatment for chronic ulcers of leg and foot
(injection of autogenous blood in varicose and syphilitic ulcers)
[C. H. Verovitz] Ohio State M.J. 31: 850-854 Nov. 35
35B22: therapy of chronic encephalitis (parkinsonism) by
intraspinal injection of patient's own blood [V. Seletskiy, D. M.
Mitnitskiy & A. A. Fridman] Vrach. delo 18: 61-62 35
35B23: value of autohemotherapy in juvenile asthma [K. Maddox & R.
F. Back] Arch Dis.Childhood 10: 381-388 Oct. 35
36A1: autogenous autohemotherapy [J. de Oliveira Botelho]
Gaz.clin. 33: 296-297 Nov. 35
36A2: application of intra-ocular autohemotherapy according to
Schieck in heredosyphilitic parenchymatous keratitis [A. Linksz]
Klin.Monatsbl.f.Augenh. 96: 233-234 Feb. 36 [Comment on Brecher's
36A3: autohemotherapy in hypertrophic gingivitis [A. Zona]
Stomatol. 34:117-126 Feb. 36
36A4: autohemotherapy in schizophrenia [S. Cagilero] Studium 26:
73-76 April 1, '36
36A5: behavior of leukocyte count and formula in pulmonary
tuberculosis treated by autoserotherapy [G. Tumino] Riv.di pat.e
clin.d.tuberc. 10:164-170 March 31 36
36A6 effect of local injection of blood on healing of fractures;
experimental studies [T. Mitsutake] Nagasaki Igakkwai Zassi 14: 390
March 25 36
36A7: Immediate and late results of autohemotherapy In apoplexy [F.
Lloret Gil] Siglo med. 96: 560-562, Nov. 16 35
36A8: prophylactic autohemotherapy for reduction of postoperative
pulmonary complications, [G. Karpati] Zentralbl.f.Gynak. 60:
516-523 Feb. 29 36
36A9: statistical results of treatment of various dermatoses with
patient's own blood which has been subjected to ultraviolet
irradiation [M. Murayama] J.Orient Med. (Abstr. Sect.) 23:104 Dec.
36A10: symptoms of pulmonary suppuration and its therapy with
methenamine combined with autohemotherapy [V. S. Tredlov]
Sovet.vrach.gaz. pp. 1735-1744, Nov. 30, 35
36A11: therapy of chronic toxi-infectious diseases of neuraxis by
autohemotherapy associated with provoked aseptic meningitis
(autohemoneuraxotherapy) [G. Boschi] Rev.neurol. 64: 951-955, Dec.
36A12: therapy of headache due to hypertension by autohemotherapy
[Blas Moia] cardiol. 2: 239-245, Sept.-Oct. 35
36A13: variations in amino-acid curve in blood after protein
colloid and autohemotherapy, [G. de Nito & G. Calore] Pathologica
28. 76-80 Feb. 15 36
36B1: Autogenous autohemotherapy in cerebral hemorrhage; 3 cases
[A. Salamero Castill¢n] Clin.y lab. 23: 479-487, June 36
36B2: autohemotherapy in cranial hemorrhages; recovery of case
[Benigno de Araujo & L. Rapouso] de Pernambuco 6: 336-338
Sept. 36
36B3: autohemotherapy of children's diseases [G. Kellhammer]
Monatschr.f.Klnderh. 65: 385-406 36
36B4: autohemotherapy of sleeplessness [H. Haenel]
Psychiat.-neurol.Wchnschr.38: 429-430 Aug. 22 36
36B5: autotherapy by de Oliveira Botelho method [T. Miraglia]
Gaz.clin. 34: 230-232 Aug. 36
36B6: behavior of granulofilamentous substance of erythrocytes
during autohemotherapy [S. Acquaviva] Studium 26: 97-101 May 1 36
36B7: hemocrinotherapy of bacterial particularly staphylococcic
inflammations [L. & M. Filderman] Rev. fran‡.d'endocrinol. 14:
235-245 June 36
36B8: intracutaneous injection of patient's blood In vitiligo
vulgaris [N. Nishikawa] Okayama-Igakkai-Zasshi 48: 2196-2197 Sept.
36B9: serum treatment of narcotic addiction, [D. M. Black]
Canad.M.A.J. 35: 177-179, Aug. '36
36B10: specific pressor effects of autohemotherapy according to
hour of administration; therapeutic value, [G. B. Cacciapuoti & G.
Reale] Gazz.internaz.m‚d.-chir. 46: 345-350, June 30, '36
36B11: treatment of acute gonorrheal epididymitis and acute
gonorrheal arthritis by means of injection of autogenous blood;
influence of treatment on rapidity of red cell sedimentation of
patients [T. Sakurai] Bull.Nav. M.A.Japan (Abstr. Sect.) 25: 38-39,
July 15, '36
37A1: autogenous, [C. Fischer] Med.Welt 10:1659-1661. Nov. 14, '36
37A2: autohemotherapy and its uses, [M. Moroni] Gazz.d. osp. 58:
393-395, April 25, '37
37A3: autohemotherapy and procaine hydrochloride in therapy of
lesions of crucial and lateral ligaments of knee joint, [F. Mandl]
Wien.klin.Wchnschr. 50: 625-626, May 14, '37
37A4: autohemotherapy by subconjunctival injections in therapy of
trachoma; 2 cases, [E. Sel-a Martinez] Rev. internat.du trachome
14: 19-22, Jan. '37
37A5: autohemotherapy; experimental study. [T. Aoki] Mitt. Kioto 19: 1859-1861, '37
37A6: autohemotherapy in certain diseases of lungs and pleura, [G.
A. Lvovich] Sovet.vrach.zhur. 41: 357360, March 15, '37
37A7: autohemotherapy in epilepsy, [G. I. Mirzoyan] Klin. med. 14:
1546-1547, '36
37A8: autohemotherapy in primary arterial hypertension in
menopause, [F. Graziano] Riv.san.siciliana 25: 143-153, Feb. 1, '37
37A9: autohemotherapy of depression and melancholia, [T. von
Lehoczky] Psychiat.-neurol.Wchnschr. 39: 180-183, April 24, '37
37A10: autoserotherapy for drug addiction, [M. Vivian] Lancet 1:
1221Ä1223, May 22, '37
37A11: autoserum treatment for opium addicts observation on 1,000
cases, [A. W. Woo] Chinese M.J. 51: 8.0-90, Jan. '37
37A12: bacteriologic studies on polyarthritis; attempts at
specific (enterococcic) autovaccinotherapy and autoserotherapy' [N.
Svartz] Acta med.Scandinav. supp. 78. pp. 327-338. '36
37A13: behavior of Pagano-Hering, reflex (carotid sinus
cardiovascular reflex) after autohemotherapy, especially in
arteriosclerosis, [A. Geremia] Adige, 3: 473-488,
37A14: biologic autosatotherapy (autohemotherapy), [A. Y.
Rubinov] Vrach.delo 19: 1113-1116, '36
37A15: desensitizing action of autogenous serum irradiated with
ultraviolet rays; experimental study, [M. Murayama] J.Orient.Med.
(Abstr. Sect.) 26: 56-57. April '37
37A16: direct irradiation of autogenous blood with ultraviolet rays
(Havlicek method) as potential method of therapy in
tuberculoses, [O. H. Bueher] Beitr.z.Klin.d. Tuberk. 89: 377-384,
37A17: effect and mode of action of autohemotherapy in
agranulocytosis, [T. Sakurai] Klin.Wchnschr.. 16: 564-565, April
17, '37
37A18: habitual luxation of shoulder and rupture of crucial
ligaments of knee; therapy by injections of patient's own blood,
[F. Mandl] Zentralbl.f.Chir. 64: 1030-1033, May 1, '37
37A19: Havlicek method of treating pulmonary tuberculosis with
autogenous blood irradiated with ultraviolet rays, [K. Glombitza]
Deutsches Tuberk.-Bl. 11: 65-69, March '37
37A20: influence of autohemotherapy on resorption of blood
infected under bulbar conjuntiva, into anterior chamber and into
vitreous humor: experimental study, [A. Bellavia]
Riv.san.sicilianna 25: 333-337, April 1, '37
37A21: therapy of abscess of axillary sweat glands by injection of
patient's own blood, [O. Adam] Zentralbl.f. Chir. 64: 26-31, Jan.
2, '37
37A22: therapy of craniocerebral trauma by dehydrating forced
drainage of cerebrospinal fluid and autohemotherapy, [Gomez Dur n]
Cir.ortop.y traumatol., Madrid 1: 1351 5~, '36
37A23: therapy of solitary nonparasitic cyst of femur
(intracystic autohemotherapy by simple puncture); 2 cases, [M.
Chaton] 'M‚ chir. 63: 473-485 April 14, '37
37A24: total otitic zona of Sicard or complete syndrome of
Souques' geniculate ganglion rapid recovery of case after
autohemotherapy, [E. Cornet] Bull.Soc.m‚ l'Indochine 14:
1273-1274, Nov. '16
37A25: treatment of carbuncle by autohemotherapy, [P. Rit]
Calcutta M.J. 32: 31-82, Feb. '37
37A26: use of autohemotherapy G. Lyon] Bull.m‚d., Paris 51:
113-120, Feb. 20, '37
37A27: history, priority of Antonio Cesaris Demel in conception of
serotherapy (Priorita di pensiero di Antonio Cesaris Demel nella
concezione della sieroterapia) , Biochim. e terap. sper. 24:
109-113, March 31' 37
37B1: autogenous, autohemotherapy combined with serotherapy in
pneumonia; case in infant' [A. Diaz Padr¢ni] Bol.Soc.cubana de
pediat. 9:161Ä174, April , 37
37B2: autohemotherapy in depression and melancholia, [T.
Lehoczky] Gy¢gy sezat 77: 344-347, May 30ÄJune 6' , 37
37B3: autohemotherapy in dermatology especially in psoriasis and
herpes zoster) , [J. W. Jones & M. S. Alden] South.M.J. 30:
735-737, July '37
37B4: autohemotherapy in hyphemia, [A. Licheri] Rassegna
ital.d'ottal. 6: 62-71, Jan.-Feb. , 37
37B5 Äautohemotherapy in paralysis of ocular muscles: 2 cases [R.
Campos] Riforma med. 53:1439-1442 Oct. 9, '37
37B6 -autohemotherapy in pleurisy [G. A. Lvovich] Probl. tuberk.,
no. 6 pp. 73Ä75, '37.
37B7 Äautohemotherapy in Tonsillitis, [K. Thurn] Mnchen. Med.
Wchnschr. 84: 1139, July 16, '37
37B8 Äauthemotherapy of corneal ulcers, [A. B. Kolenko] Vestnik
oftal. 10: 820-840, '37
37B9 Äautohemotherapy of trachomatous pannus, [B. P. Lerner]
Vesnik oftal. 10: 841-843, '37
37B10 Äautoserotherapy in gonorrheal arthritis; experimental and
clinical observations; preliminary report, [A. Goldey] Urol.&
Cutan.Rev. 41: 556-558, Aug. '37
37B11 Äautoserotherapy of drug addiction, [E. Bello] Rev.m‚d
peruana 9: 340-344, July '37
37B12 -different types of rheumatism and their treatment with
sulfur, sunlight, vitamins and autohemotherapy. [J. Le Calv‚]
Presse Med. 45: 1409-1410, Oct. 6, 37
37B13 -endonasal autoserotherapy in spasmodic rhinitis, [V. A.
Carando & J. Robbio Campos] Semana m‚d. 2: 604-606, Sept 9, 37
37B14 -etiopathogenesis and therapy of menorrhagia and
metrorrhagia in puberty; value or autohemotherapy, [F. Putzu
Doneddu] Ann.di ostet.e ginec. 59: 787-823, July 31, 37
37B15 Äfailure of attempted prophylaxis of postoperative embolism
by autohemotherapy [H. Fobe] Bull.Soc. d' de gynec. 26:
368-370, April '37
37B16 ÄHavlicek method of injecting autogenous blood irradiated
with ultraviolet rays in therapy of seropositive latent lues
resisting all treatment, [M. von Hecht-Eleda & G. Riehl, Jr.]
Arch.f.Dermat.u.Syph. 176: 8-15, '37
37B17 Änew applications of autohemotherapy in genital
disturbances in women, [P. Abrami, J. Dalsace & R. Wallich] Presse
m‚d. 45: 713-715, May 12, '37
37B18 Äproduction of aseptic meningitis and administration of
autohemotherapy in small doses in case of sclerosis in plaques and
case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, [C. Roncati]
Policlinico sez. prat.) 44: 1832-1837 Sept. 27, '37
37B19 Äseasonal asthma cured by autohemotherapy; 2 cases, [F. Daz‚
& P. Dumas] l'H“tel-Dieu de Montr‚al 6: 145-152,
May-June 37
37B20 Ästaphylococcic septicemia; natural process and its
therapeutic use (autohemotherapy); 2 cases with recovery of 4 and
5 years duration, [A. Raiga] m‚m.Soc.d.chirurgiens de Paris
29:102Ä113, Feb. 5, '37
37B21 Äsubconjunctival autohemotherapy in trachomatous pannus,
cases [Delord] Bull.Soc.d' Paris 49: 372Ä375. July 37
37B22 Ätherapy of chronic toxi-infectious diseases of neuraxis by
autohemotherapy associated with provoked aseptic meningitis
(autohemoneuraxotherapy); application to case of amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis, [E. de Aguiar Whitaker] Rev.assoc.paulista de
med. 10: 80-90, Feb. '37.
37B23 Ätherapy of postoperative pulmonary complications with
injections of autogenous blood, [J. Philipowicz]
Zentralbl.f.Chir. 64: 1698-1699, July 17, '37
37B24 Ätreatment with auto-blood for so-called auto-intoxication,
[N. Sata] Orient.J.Dis.Infants 21: 31-32, March '37
37B25 Äultraviolet irradiation and autohemotherapy in syphilis;
treatment of persistent serologic positive and latent syphilis, [H.
L. Baer] Pennsylvania M.J. 40: 943-948 Aug., '37
37B26 Äuse of autohemotherapy in treatment of psoriasis and herpes
zoster; preliminary report. [E. E. Barksdale] Virginia M.Monthly
64: 378-381, Oct. 37
38A1 -autogenous, autohemotherapy in mental diseases; advantages or
use of hemolysed blood in distilled water; cases, [P. Tenconi] Note
e riv.di psichiat. 66: 449-470, Oct.ÄDec., '37
38A2 -autohemotherapy and heteroprotein therapy in dichloroethyl
sulfide intoxication in dogs; experimental study, [R Andreoni]
Profilassi 11 1-3, Jan-Feb '38
38A3 -autohemotherapy by subconjunctival route in complications of
trachoma; results in 9 cases, [E. Selfa Martinez]
Rev.Internat.du trachome 16:87-92, April '38
38A4 -autohemotherapy in arterial hypertension, [D.Boccia,
M.Bonafina & D.Ugazio] endocrinol. 21:107-117, Feb.
15, '38
38A5 -autohemotherapy in arterial hypertension, [P E Perret]
Schweiz. med. Wchnschr.68:285-288, March 12, '38
38A6 -autohemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis, [E. B. Freilich
and G. C. Coe] Illinois M. J. 73:154-157, Feb. '38
38A7 -autohemotherapy of lobar pneumonia, [K. T. V. Simon] Jahrb.
f. Kinderh. 150:157-181, '37
38A8 -autohemotherapy of pneumonia, [Tillmann] Deutsche med.
Wchnschr. 64:1687-169, Jan. 28, '38
38A9 -autohemotherapy of stenocardia and peripheral vascular
spasms, [H. O. Wachsmuth] Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 63:1795-1798,
Nov.26, '37
38A10 -autoserum treatment of opium addiction, [W.B. Weng]
Malayan J. J. 12:157-158, Nov. '37
38A11 -behavior of blood dextrose after autohemotherapy, [A. Germia
& C. Dalmata Mian] Gior.di clin. med.19:114-120, Feb. 10, '38.
38A12 -comparison of results obtained by dicephalospinal therapy
(production of aseptic meningitis followed by autohemotherapy and
autocerebrospinal fluid therapy) in 40 cases of sclerosis in
plaques [G.Tanfani] Minerva med. 1:225-229, March 3, 38
38A13 -experience with Havlicek method of injections of
autogenous blood irradiated with ultraviolet rays,[S Litzner]
Mnchen med Wchnschr 86:280-281, Feb 25, 38
38A14 -hemocrinotherapy of epilepsy, [L.Abad Colomer] Cr¢n m‚d.,
Valencia 41:255-280, Nov-Dec 37
38A15 -hypotensive action of autohemotherapy in hypertension and
cerebral hemorrhage; review of literature and personal
contribution,[V. Longo], Dec. '37
38A16 -intravenous autohemotherapy with hemolyzed blood; technic
and leukopoietic response; Preliminary report [S.R. Dean & H.C.
Solomon] J Lab & Clin Med. 23:775-786, May 38
38A17 -local autoserotherapy in trachoma; cases [H. Jourdan] Ann
d'ocul 175:254-258, March 38
38A18 -new nonspecific therapy for stubborn chronic ascending
infection in female by reinjection of patient's own blood after it
has been irradiated with ultraviolet rays (Havlicek method) [V
F”derl] Wien klin.Wchnschr.51:528-532, May 13, 38
38A19 -technic and results [R Stahl] Ztschr.f.„rztl.Fortbild
35:93-98 Feb 15 38
38B1: autogenous, autohemotherapy and therapeutic meningitis in
sclerosis in plaques; 2 cases, [O Bonazzi] Gazz. d. osp.
59:643-650, June 19, 38
38B2 -autohemotherapy; case of purpura rheumatica with new method
of treatment [L.Saxon] Illinois MJ 74:191-193. Aug. '38
38B3 -autohemotherapy in dystrophy and in pretuberculous
conditions of infants, [M Rignani] Gior di clin med 19:664-671,
July 20, '38
38B4 -autohemotherapy of acanthosis rubra lichenoides; case,[A
Risi] Dermat Wchnschr 107:1142-1147 Sept 24, '38
38B5 -autohemotherapy of apoplectic ictus, case [Amic] Lyon med
[162] 88-92 July 24, 38
38B6 -autohemotherapy of tropical ulcer, cases, [A Menghetti] Ann
di med nav e colon 44:328-336 July-Aug., '38
38B7 -autoserotherapy of nonpurulent pleural effusions [S A Savitz
& N Blumberg] M Rec 148:406-408, Dec 7, '38
38B8 -autoserotherapy with blister serum in toxicomania;
experimental study, [R.E. Carratala] Rev. de psiquiat. y
criminol. 2:725-732, Nov.-Dec., '37; also An. Fac. de cien.
La Plata 3:127-135, '38; also Rev. med. latino-am 23:1042-1048,
June '38
38B9 -experimental study on healing of wound influenced by own
blood injection. [K.Tei] J. Chosen M. A. (Abstr. Sect ) 28:45, July
20, '38
38B10 -influence of autoprotein therapy (autogenous blood) and of
heteroprotein therapy on induced aminoacidemia curve; study in
gonorrhea patients, [A Baccaredda],Pavia
52:421-453, '38
38B11 -menstrual hepatic crises cured by menstrual
autohemotherapy; case, [E May, Mme Logeals & R Tiffeneau] Bull et
mem Soc med d hop de Paris 54:835-839, May 23, '38
38B12 -quinine combined with autohemotherapy in treatment of
malaria, [A.A. Guseyn-Zade] Klin. med., 16 425-426, '38
38B13 -results with injections of autogenous blood irradiated with
ultraviolet rays, [Grossekettler & Lhdemann] Deutsche med Wchnschr
64 897-898, June 17, 38
38B14 -use of autogenous irradiated blood and laparophos,
Havlicek lamp, in gynecology and obstetrics [Burgkhardt] Arch f
Gynak 166:535-536, '38
39A1: autogenous, association of histadine and hemotherapy in
treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers [S‚ta] Rev med du
centre-ouest 10:248-253 Dec '38
39A2 -ambulatory autohemotherapy in hypertension [A della Vedove]
Rev med de Rosario 29:111-142 Feb '39
39A3 -autohemotherapy; new method of treating hyperemesis
gravidarum [L Saxon & J. E. Stoll] Illinois MJ 75:352-355, April
39A4 -hemocrinotherapy in angiospasm of extremities [L.Filderman] path comparee 38:1390-1395, Dec '38
39A5 -hemotherapy in apoplexy [L.I.Larina] Sovet.vrach zhur
42:763-768, Nov 30, '38
39A6 -hemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis [R Pfaffenberg]
Ztschr.f.„rztl Fortbild 35:551-552, Oct 1 '38
39A7 -injection of blood into anterior chamber in certain
diseases of eyes [L B Zats & N I Medvedev] Vestnik oftal (No.1)
14:61-65, '39
39A8 -intracerebral autohemotherapy of mental diseases [E
Mariotti & M.Sciutti] Riv. sper.di./freniat. 61:870-876, Dec. 31,
39A9 -intramuscular injection of irradiated blood as new method of
treating posthemorrhagic anemia [P Patat] Ginecologia 5:29-35, Jan
39A10 -severe hemoptosis treated exclusively with
autohemotherapy; 10 cases [C P Tonegaru] Rev san mil Bucuresti
37:1O19-1028, Dec 38
39A11 -treatment of chronic pemphigus by serum taken from bullae [S
W Smith] Brit J Dermat 51:213-214, May '39
39B1: autogenous artificial antisyphilitic dermo-immunization and
its importance in transforming therapy and prophylaxis; new
conception of actino-autohemotherapy and actino-chemotherapy of
syphilis; favorable effect of cutaneous lesions [E Radnai] Ann d
mal ven 34:325-342, June '39
39B2: autohemotherapy in disturbances of menopause [M Repetti] Ann
di osted e gnec 61:603-628, Man 31 '39
39B3: autohemotherapy in peptic ulcer [O E Amchislavskaya] Vrach
delo 21:385-390, '39
39B4: autohemotherapy in treatment of tuberculosis of anterior half
of eyeball [D M Rolett] Bull Russ Med Soc New York, pp 91-95, Sept
39B5: effect of injections of fresh and hemolyzed blood on
erythropoiesis [J Schernhardt] Folia haemat 62:93-96, '39
39B6: hemocrinotherapy (combined hemotherapy and
endocrinotherapy) [L Filderman] mem Soc de med de Paris
142: 662-669, Nov 4, '38; abstr,Harefuah 16:ii May 39
39B7: Irradiated blood in therapy of chronic recidivating
stomatitis aphthosa [A.Arai & T Maruoka] Otorhino-laryng 12:845,
Oct '39
39B8: local autohemotherapy in hidrosadenitis [S.Popesco & N Hodos]
Rev de chir Bucuresti 42:433-435, May-June '39
39B9: use of autohemotherapy reinforced with artificial fever in
treatment of rheumatic disease [W K Ishmael] J Oklahoma M A
32:337-343, Sept '39