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20A1: Achard, C. & C. Flandin, Autoserotherapy in hay fever, urticaria, etc. Bull. et M‚m. Soc. M‚d. d. H“p. de Par. 44: 723, May 21, 1920; ab. J.A.M.A. 75:508, Aug. 14, 1920.

20A2: Pehu & P. Durand, Phenomena with reinjection of serums. Ann. de M‚d. 7:196, 1920; ab. J.A.M.A. 75:571, Aug. 21, 1920.

20E1: Achard, C., and Flandin, C., Traitement de l'urticaire H r‚p‚tition, de la maladie de Quincke et du rhume des foins par l'autoseroth‚rapie d‚sensibilatrice. BULL. ET MM. SOC. MD. D. H
21A1: Escomel, E., Autoserotherapy of infections. Ann. de Fac. de Med., Montevideo 5: 604, Nov. 1920 - Feb. 1921; ab. J.A.M.A. 76: 1375, May 14, 1921.

21A2: Sen, D.N., Auto-haemic or auto-serum therapy, Indian M. Gaz. 56: 94, March 1921.

21A3: Sen, D.N., Addendum to auto-haemic or auto-serum therapy, Indian Med. Gaz. 56:326, Sept., 1921.

21A4: Escomel, E., Integral autoserotherapy, Siglo M‚d. 68:741, Aug. 6, 1921.

21E1: Carbier (V). Les dangers de l'autoserotherapie. BULL. GEN. DE THERAPY. [etc.], PAR., 1920-21, clxxi, 104.

21E2: Pehu (M) and Durand (P), Recherches cliniques sur les phenomenes observes dans les reinjections seriques. ANN. DE MED., PAR., 1920, vii. 196-225.

21E3: Escomel (E.) La autoseroterapia integral de las microbiosis humanas. AN. FAC. DE MED., MONTEVIDEO, 1920-21, v. 604-617.

21E4: Escomel (E.) La autoseroterapia integral de las microbiosis humanas. GAC. MED. DE CARACAS, 1921, xxviii, 86-90.

21E5: Sen. (d.N.) Auto-haemic or auto-serum therapy. INDIAN M. GAZ., CALCUTTA, 1921, lvi, 94-96.

22A1: Roch, M. & P. Gautier, Hemoclasis from autoserotherapy, Presse M‚d. 30: 209-210, March 11, 1922; ab. J.A.M.A. 78:1348, April 29, 1922.

22A2: Escomel, E., Integral serotherapy - using whole blood. An. de Fac. de Med., Montevideo 6:344-359, June 1921 (illus.)

22E1: Escomel (E.) Curacion de las enfermedades por la autosery y la autoserovaccinoterapia integral. CRON. MED., LIMA, 1921, xxxviii, 240-246.

22E2: Flandin (Ch.) & Tzanck (A) L'autoplasmotherapie desensibilisatrice. BULL. MED., PAR. 1921, xxxv, 725-728.

22E3: Nourney. Ueber Eigenblutbehandlung. MšNCHEN MED. WCHNSCHR., 1921, lxviii, 1521.

22E4: Pansera (G.) Contributo clinico all'autosieroterapia da vesicacante. RIV. MED. MILANO, 1921, xxix, 119.

22E5: Stewart (T.M.) Autotherapy. N. YORK M. J. [etc.], 1922, cxv, 135-137.

22E6: Lauze, M., L'autohematotherapie dans les maladies infectieuses a forme trainante. BULL. ET MEM. SOC. MED. D. HOP. DE PAR., 1922, 3. s., xivi, 538-541.

22E7: Raymond, F., L'autohemotherapie dans les maladies infectieuses a forme trainante. BUL. ET MEM. SOC. MED. D. HOP. DE PAR., 1922, 3. s., xlvi. 578.

22E8: Boschetti, F., Presentando l'auto-sieroterapia. "Vita nuova" immunitaria? MED. ITAL., MILANO. 1922, iii, 21-32, 1 ch.

22E9: Escomel, E., Algunos hechos nuevos en autoseroterapia integral. CRON. MED., LIMA. 1922, xxxix, 133-16.

22E10: Gupta, K.M., Auto-haemic treatment. ANTISEPTIC. MADRAS, 1922, xix, 234-237.

23A1: Moutier & J. Rachet, Autohemotherapy, Presse M‚d. 31:708-9, Aug. 15, 1922; ab. J.A.M.A. 81:1476, Oct. 27, 1923.

23A2: Nicholas, J., J. Gat‚, & D. Dupasquier, Autohemotherapy in dermatology, M‚dicine 4:147-149, Nov., 1922.

23A3: Nicholas, J., J. Gat‚, & D. Dupasquier, Autohemotherapy in dermatology, Lyon Chir. 20:553-561, Sept.-Oct. 1923; ab. J.A.M.A. 81:2211, Dec. 29, 1923.

23A4: v.Torday, A., Wien. Klin. Wchnschr. 36:762-764, Oct. 25, 1923.

23A5: Merklen, P. & F. Hirschberg, Autohemotherapy in local infections, Bull. et M‚m. d. H“p. de Par. 47: 1081-1086, July 6, 1923; ab. J.A.M.A. 81:1151, Sept. 29, 1923.

23A6: Levi, E., Autohemotherapy in typhoid, Gazz. d. Osp. 44:591-595, June 24, 1923 (charts)

23A7: Quenay, A., Autoserotherapy in gonorrhea, J. D'Urol. 16:234-235, Sept. 1923; ab. J.A.M.A. 81:2152, Dec. 22, 1923.

23A8: Zimmerman, R., Hemolyzed own blood as nonspecific irritant, Zentralbl. f. Gyn„k. 47:1504-1509, Sept. 22, 1923.

23A9: Descarpentries, M., Injections of hemolyzed own blood., Arch. Franco-Belges de Chir. 26:63-69, Jan. 1923; ab. J.A.M.A. 80:1180, Apr. 21, 1923.

23E1: Rogers, Loyal Dexter, AUTO-HEMIC THERAPY; administering a remedy made from the patient's blood without drugs or bacteria. 3.ed. Chicago, 1922, Auto-hemic Therap. Found. inc., 332 p., 8&.

23E2: Descarpentries. Les injections de sang hemolyse du malade lui-meme en therapeutique chirurgicale. BULL. ET MEM. SOC. DE CHIR. DE PAR., 1922, xlviii, 852-854.

23E3: Spiethoff, B., Defibriniertes Eigenblut in der Reiztherapie. MšNCHEN MED. WCHNSCHR., 1922, lxix, 1003.

23E4: Modinos, P., Quand et comment doit-on employer l'autoserotherapie. REV. GEN. DE CLIN. ET DE THERAP., PAR., 1922, xxxvi, 295.

23E5: Sfondrini, A., Autosieroterapia da vescicante. RIV. MED. MILANO, 1923, xxxi, 17-19.

23E6: Descarpentries. Les injections d'auto-sang hemolyse en chirurgie et en pathologie externe. CLINIQUE. PAR., 1923. xviii, 93-95.

23E7: Lyon, G., Auto et hetero-serotherapie, auto et hetero-hematotherapie. BULL. MED. PAR., 1923, xxxvii, 423-427.

23E8: Monziols & Pauron. A propos de la derniere communication de Nicolas, Gate, Dupasquier et Dumollard; autohemotherapie et choc hemoclasizue. COMPT. REND. SOC. DE BIOL., PAR., 1923, lxxxix., 249-251.

23E9: Mouriquand, G., and Buche, A., A propos de l'autohemotherapie. LYON MED., 1922, cxxxi, 111-113.

23E10: Castellino, P.G., Autosieroterapia nel reumatismo gonococcio ed in alcune dermatosi. FOLIA MED., NAPOLI, 1923, ix, 121-128.

23H1: Moberg, "Autohy„motherapie bei Hautkrankheiten", Svensk L„kares„llsk. f”rhandl. 1923, H.6, S. 289. [per Deutsche Med. Woch. S.49 (1923), 1314]

24A1: Spillmann, L., Autohemotherapy in herpes zoster, M‚dicine 5: 130-131, November 1923.

24A2: Billington, S.G., Auto-haemo-therapy in bacterial infections. Lancet 1:431-435, March 1, 1924 (charts)

24A3: Zerner, H., Autoserum treatment of cancer, Med. Klinik 20: 212-213, Feb. 17, 1924; ab. J.A.M.A. 82:1088, March 29, 1924.

24A4: Steiner, Injections of own blood, Deutsche Med. Wchnschr. 50:438-439, April 4, 1924

24A5: Linhart, W., Own blood in treatment of furunculosis, Zentralblat. f. Chir. 51:1501-1502, July 12, 1924; abs. J.A.M.A. 83:653, Aug. 23, 1924.

24A6: Goljanitski, J.A., Own blood in treatment of infected wounds, Zentralblatt f. Chir. 51:1566-1569, July 19, 1924; addendum 51:2019, Sept. 13, 1924; abs. J.A.M.A. 83:653, Aug. 23, 1924.

24A7: Wolfson, G., Own blood treatment of infected wounds; comment on Gojanitzki's article, Zentralblatt f. Chir. 51:2194-2195, October 4, 1924.

24A8: Nourney, Own blood treatment of carbuncle, Zentralblatt f. Chir. 50:1636-1637, Nov. 3, 1923 (illus.).

24A9: Brnner, K., & F. Breuer, Protein therapy with hemolyzed own blood, Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyn„k.65:341-50, March 1924; ab. J.A.M.A. 82:1742, May 24, 1924.

24A10: Vorschtz, J. & B. Tenckhoff, Treatment with own blood, Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir. 183:364-379, 1924; cont. 184:200-207, 1924; ab. J.A.M.A. 82:1087, March 29, 1924, and 82:1740, May 24, 1924.

24E1: Moutier, F. and Rachet, J., Incidents et accidents de l'autohemotherapie. PRESSE MED., PAR., 1922/3, xxxi, 708; ab. J.A.M.A. 81:1476, Oct. 27, 1923.

24E2: Nicolas, Gate, etal., Autohemotherapie et choc hemoclasique. COMPT. REND. SOC. DE BIOL., PAR., 1923, lxxxviii, 1298-1300.

24E3: Nicolas, Gate and Dupasquier. Sur certaines reactions cliniques dans l'autohemotherapie (purpura). COMPT. REND SOC. DE BIOL., PAR., 1923, lxxxviii, 211.

24E4: Zimmermann, R., Haemolysiertes Eigenblut also unspecifisches Reizmittel. ZENTRALBL. F. GYNAEK., LEIPZ., 1923, xivii, 1504-1509.

24E5: Romanelli, E., L autolinfoterapia. GAZZA. MED. NAPOLET., 1923, vi, 179.

24E6: Stewart, T.M., Fascinating developments of the auto-therapy; practical resume of technic and sphere of action. AM. PHYSICIAN, PHILA., 1923, xxviii, 807-811.

24E7: Mathieu, C., De l'emploi de la methode de Descarpentries (sang hemolyse) en chirurgie. REV. MED. DE L'EST, NANCY, 1923, li, 582-586.

24E8: Vorschutz, J., and Tenckhoff, B., Von der Behandlung mit Eigenblut. I. DEUTSCHE ZTSCHR. F. CHIR., LEIPZ., 1923-4, cixxxiii, 364-379

24E9: Bruenner, K., and Breuer, F., Ueber parenterale Eiweisstherapie mittels haemolysierten Eigenblutes. MONATSCHR. F. GEBURTSCH. U GYNAEK., BERL., 1923-4, lxc, 341-350.

24E10: Diot, Les caprices de l'auto-hemo-therapie. SOC. DE MED. MIL. FRANC., BULL. MENS., PAR., Par., 1924, xviii, 64-66.

24E11: Mino, P., and Garlasco, P., Riceche sul meccanismo della autoemoterapia. GAZZ. D. OSP., MILANO, 1924, xlv, 531-533.

24E12: Vorschutz, J., and Tenckhoff, B., Von der Behandlung mit Eigenblut. II. Erfolge bei akut entzundlichen Lungenerkrankungen. DEUTSCHE ZTSCHR. F. CHIR. LEIPZ., 1924, clxxxiv, 200-207.

25A1: Tenckhoff, B., Autohemotherapy, Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 50:1748-1752, Dec. 12, 1924; ab. J.A.M.A. 84:405, Jan. 31, 1925.

25A2: Koenigsfeld, H., Autoblood versus autoserum; comment on Tenckhoff's article. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 51:1389-1391, Aug. 21, 1925.

25A3: Funck, C., Autohemotherapy in diabetes. Med. Klinik 21:506-507, April 3, 1925.

25A4: Mazzeo, A., Autohemotherapy in eczema of exudative diathesis. Pediatria 33:700-706, July 1, 1925; ab. J.A.M.A. 85:781, Sept. 5, 1925.

25A5: Richter, W. Autohemotherapy in erysipeloid, Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 51:562-563, April 3, 1925.

25A6: Lewy, W., Autohemotherapy in fracture of metatarsus, Med. Klinik 21:627, April 24, 1925 (Illus.)

25A7: Sa‹gr…jeff, M.A., Autohemotherapy in gonorrhea. Ztschr. f. Urolog. 19:339-349, 1925; ab. J.A.M.A. 85:79, July 4, 1925.

25A8: Castellino, P., Autoserotherapy and autohemotherapy in dermatology, Riforma med. 41:97-98, Feb. 2, 1925; ab. J.A.M.A. 84:1088, April 4, 1925.

25A9: Iaccia, P., Autoserotherapy with cantharidin blister fluid. Pediatria 33:89-94, Jan. 15, 1925.

25A10: Rogge, Autoserum treatment. Mnchen med. Wchnschr. 72:1555-56, Sept. 11, 1925 (charts).

25A11: Tenckhoff, B., Comparison of effects of treatment with autotransfusion and X-rays. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 51:1308-1310, Aug. 7, 1925.

25A12: Pometta, D., Danger of Gilbert's method of treatment of exudative pleurisy. Schweiz. med. Wchnschr. 55:1005-1006, Oct. 29, 1925; ab. J.A.M.A. 85:1922, Dec. 12, 1925.

25A13: Klbs, F., Diabetes and autohemotherapy. Klin.Wchnschr. 4:1725-1726, Sept. 3, 1925.

25A14: Ebers, N., Infiltration of tissue by injections of own blood. Mnchen. med. Wchnschr. 72:565-566, April 3, 1925.

25A15: Tenckhoff, Instruments for autohemotherapy. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 51:400, March 5, 1925.

25A16: Weltgasser, J., Intracutaneous autohemotherapy. Med. Klinik 21:318-319, Feb. 27, 1925; ab. J.A.M.A. 84:1312, April 25, 1925.

25A17: Paulian, D., Intraspinal autoserotherapy in parkinsonism and encephalitis sequelae. Bull. et. m‚m. Soc. med. d. h•p. de Par. 49:203-204, Feb. 6, 1925.

25A18: Bussalai, L. & A. Devoto, Own blood in treatment of certain venereal disease complications. Gior. Ital. d. mal. ven. 65:1844-1849, December 1924.

25A19: Schlesinger, A., Own blood infiltration in treatment of furuncles and carbuncles. Zentralbl. f. Chir. 51: 2583, Nov. 22, 1924.

25A20: Wein, M.A., L.E. Salutzki & L.M. K”nigsberg, Own blood treatment in certain skin and venereal affections. Dermat. Wchnschr. 79:1629-1637, December 20, 1924.

25A21: Goljanitski, J.A., Own blood treatment of infected wounds; reply to Wolfsohn. Zentralbl. f. Chir. 52:2344-2347, Oct. 17, 1925.

25A22: Hbner, H., Successful treatment of gonorrheal bartholinitis by deep transfusion of patient's own blood. Zentralbl. f. Gyn„k. 49:84-85, Jan. 10, 1925.

25A23: Schmidt, W., Treatment of incipient mastitis with local injections of patient's blood. Zentralbl. f. Gyn„k. 49:1893-1895, Aug. 22, 1925; ab. J.A.M.A. 85:1101, Oct. 3, 1925.

25A24: Rausche, C., Treatment of postoperative affections of lungs with intramuscular injections of own blood. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir. 193:349-358, 1925 (charts).

25A25: Weicksel, Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with autoserum. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 51:1392-1394, Aug. 21, 1925.

25A26: Vorschtz, J., Treatment with own blood; 208 cases. Arch. f. klin. Chir. 133:509-516, 1924 (in German).

25A27: Rhode, C., Treatment with patient's own blood in internal diseases. Mnchen. med. Wchnschr. 72:1107-1109, July 3, 1925.

25E1: Abente Haedo, F., La enfermedad serica; su tratamiento por la autohemoterepia. AN. FAC. DE MED., MONTEVIDEO, 1923-24, ix, 516-532.

25E2: Nourney. Zur Eigenblutbehandlung. FORTSCHR. D. MED., BERL., 1924, xlii, 177-180.

25E3: Rogers, L.D., AUTOHEMIC THERAPY; ITS SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY EXPLAINED. Pan-Therap., Chicago, 1924, lxxii, 1101-1117.

25E4: Levy-Darras. Autohematotherapie. VIE MED., PAR., 1924, v, 2071.

25E5: Tenckhoff, B., Von der Behandlung mit Eigenblut. DEUTSCHE MED. WCHNSCHR., LEIPZ. U BERL., 1924, l, 11748-1752.

25E6: Vorschutz, J., Ueber Eigenbluttherapie. ARCH. F. KLIN. CHIR., BERL., 1924, cxxxiii, 509-516.

25E7: Wein, M.A., Salutzki, L.E., and Konigsberg, L.M., Die Autoh„motherapie bei einigen kutanen und venerischen krankheiten. DERMAT. WCHNSCHR., LEIPZ. U. HAMB., 1924, lxxix, 1629-1637.

25E8: Zerbino, V., and Leunda, J.J., Enfermedad de suero y autoseroterapia. AN. FAC. DE MED, MONTEVIDEO, 1923-24, ix, 930-954.

25E9: Ebers, N., Ueber Eigenblutunterspritzungen. MšNCHEN. MED. WCHNSCHR., 1925, lxxii, 565.

25E10: Tenckhoff. Vergleichsversuch der Wirkung und Wirkungsweise von Eigenblut- und R”ntgenbehandlung bakterieller und entzndlicher Affektionen. MšNCHEN. MED. WCHNSCHR., 1925, lxxii, 581.

25E11: Iaccia, P., Autosieroterapia da vescicante cantaridato. PERIATRIA. NAPOLI, 1925, xxxiii, 89-94.

25E12: Godlewski, H., Proc‚d‚ d'autoh‚moth‚rapie par ventouses [cupping]. J. MED. FRAN€., PAR., 1925, xiv, 119.

25H1: Shamberg, JF and H Brown, "Effects of various agents - ultraviolet light, vaccines, turpentine, neoarsphenamin and autoblood injections - on the enzymes of blood and skin", Archives Int. Med. 35 (May, 1925), 537.

26A1: Graser, E., Autohemotherapy of postoperative bronchitis according to J. Vorschtz. Zentralbl. f. Chir. 52:2514-2518, Nov. 7, 1925 (charts); ab. J.A.M.A. 86:79, Jan. 2, 1926.

26A2: Zerner, Anaphylaxis in autohemotherapy of cancer. Ztschr. f. Krebsforsch. 23:9-11, 1926.

26A3: Mull, W., Autohemotherapy. Zentralbl. f. Chir. 53:463-466, Feb. 20, 1926.

26A4: Reider, W., Autohemotherapy in postoperative pulmonary complications. Zentralbl. f. Chir. 53:205-208, Jan. 23, 1926 (charts); ab. J.A.M.A. 86:919, March 20, 1926.

26A5: Linhart, W., Autohemotherapy in septic processes. Deutsche Ztschr. F. Chir. 195:69-72, 1926.

26A6: Carranza, C.G. & J. Orgaz, Autohemotherapy in treatment of asthma. Semana m‚d. 2:1527-1531, Dec. 17, 1925; ab. J.A.M.A. 86:1253, April 17, 1926.

26A7: Finlayson, A.D. & L. J. Karnosh, Autoserum treatment of chronic encephalitis. Ohio State M.J. 22:309-314, Aptil 1926.

26A8: Barth, F., Experimental research on inhibiting action of mixtures of blood and rivanol on progressing pyogenic processes. Beitr. z. klin. Chir. 135:348-359, 1925.

26A9: Rubeska, Local autohemotherapy of mastitis; comment on Schmidt's article. Zentralbl. f. Gyn„k. 50:284-286, Jan. 30, 1926; ab. J.A.M.A. 86:1104, April 3, 1926.

26A10: Vorschtz, J., Own blood or own serum? Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 51:1954, Nov. 20, 1925.

26A11: Hirsch, L., Survey on autohemotherapy. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 52:551-552, March 26, 1926.

26B1: Melanin, A. I., Autohemotherapy in uncontrollable vomiting of pregnancy. Zentralbl. f. Gyn„k. 50: 1729-1733, June 26, 1926.

26B2: Rausche, C., Autohemotherapy for acute hemorrhage from gastric ulcer. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 52:1428-1429, Aug. 20, 1926.

26B3: Saleras, J. & A. von der Becke, Autohemotherapy in gonorrheal epididmitis. Semana m‚d. 2:718-723, Sept. 16, 1926.

26B4: Sorter, A., Autohemotherapy of acute rheumatic polyarthritis. Med. Klin. 22:725-728, May 7, 1926.

26B5: Hinze, R., Autohemotherapy of pyogenic processes of face. Zentralbl. f. Chir. 53:987-989, April 17, 1926 (Illus.)

26B6: Weicksel, J., Autoserum treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Ztschr. f. Tuberk. 45:361-364, 1926.

26B7: Leesberg, V. C. M., autotransfusion. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk 1: 1617-1619, April 17, 1926 (chart).

26B8: Erb, K.H., Clinical and experimental studies on treatment of local anthrax infection by blocking with blood according to L„wen. Beitr. z. klin. Chir. 137:202-216, 1926; ab. J.A.M.A. 87:1691, Nov. 13, 1926.

26B9: Knosp, J., Euphoria after autohemotherapy. Mnchen. med. Wchnschr. 73:820-822, May 14, 1926.

26B10: Hirsch, L., Influence of autohemotherapy on blood picture. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 52:1302, July 30, 1926.

26B11: Pette, H., Intraspinal autoserotherapy in sequels of epidemic encephalitis. Mnchen. med. Wchnschr. 73:1025-1027, June 18, 1926.

26B12: Descarpentries, M., Preventive injections of hemolyzed autoblood in surgery. Arch. franco-belges de chir. 29:110-114, Feb. 1926.

26B13: Bernard, R., Recurrent exfoliating erythrodermia consecutive to different antisyphilitic remedies; cure by autohemotherapy. Ann. d. mal. v‚n. 21:692-696, Sept., 1926.

26B14: Rausche, C., Treatment of postoperative gastric hemorrhage with injections of own blood. Deutsche Ztrshr. f. Chir. 198: 108-110, 1926.

26E1: Koenigsfeld, H., Eigenblut oder Eigenserum? DEUTSCHE MED. WCHNSCHR., LEIPZ. U. BERL., 1925, li, 1389-1391.

26E2: Rhode, C., Ueber Eigenblutbehandlung innerer Krankheiten. MšNCHEN. MED. WCHNSCHR., 1925, lxxii, 1107-1109.

26E3: Riccioli, E., Sull' emosieroterapia ed emoterapia. RIV. DI CLIN. MED., FIRENZE, 1925, xxvi, 496-505.

26E4: Kaum, Ueber Eigenblutbehandlung. ZTSCHR. F. AERZTL. FORTBILD, JENA, 1925, xxii, 655-657.

26E5: Rogge. Beitrag zur Autoserumbehandlung. MšNCHEN MED. WCHNSCHR., 1925, lxxii, 1555.

26E6: Vorschutz, J., Eigenblut oder Eigenserum? DEUTSCHE MED. WCHNSCHR., LEIPZ. U. BERL., 1925, li, 1954.

26E7: Mull, W., Ueber Eigenblutbehandlung. ZENTRALBL. F. CHIR., LEIPZ., 1926, liii, 463-466.

26E8: Knosp, J., Ueber die euphorisierende Wirkung der Eigenblutinjektionen. MšNCHEN MED. WCHNSCHR., 1926, lxxiii, 820-822.

26E9: Modinos, P., Il siero da vescicante nella profilassi del morbillo e della grippe. BULL. E ATTI DI R. ACCAD. MED. DI ROMA, 1926, liii, 150-152.

27A1: Goldemberg, L., Autohemotherapy. Semana m‚d. 2:1025-1029, Oct. 14, 1926.

27A2: Flandin, C., Anti-anaphylactic therapy; contrast with protein therapy. Bull. m‚d. Paris 40:1393-1395, Dec. 11, 1926.

27A3: Angelucci, A., Authemotherapy and iontophoresis. Arch. di ottal.. 33:439-463, Oct. 1926.

27A4: Carp, L., Circuminjection of autogenous blood in treatment of carbuncles. Arch. Surg. 14:868-890, April 1927.

27A5: Mouhtar, K. and S. Scandurra, Experimental and clinical observations on autohaemotherapy in surgical conditions. Policlinico (sex. chir.) 33:577-590, Nov. 1926.

27A6: Biebl., M. & F. Barth, Experimental treatment of anthrax. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir. 199:226-243, 1926.

27A7: Malinin, A. I., Autohemotherapy for menotoxicosis. Dermat. Wchnschr. (Erg„nzungheft Nr. 52a) 83:1881-1883, 1926.

27A8: Arana, M., Autohemotherapy in dermatology. Semana m‚d. 2:1449, Nov. 25, 1926.

27A9: Schnack, W., Autohemotherapy in prevention and treatment of postoperative lung diseases. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir. 199:205-213, 1926.

27A10: Peus, W., Autohemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis. Mnchen. med. Wchnschr. 74:60, Jan. 14, 1927.

27A11: K”nig, P., Autohemotherapy in treatment of postoperative lung diseases. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir. 199:198-204, 1926.

27A12: Vorschtz, J., Autohemotherapy in various conditions. Med. Klin. 23:41-45, Jan. 14, 1927.

27A13: Ludewig, P., Autohemotherapy of influenza. Deutsche med. Wchnschr. 52:2121-2122, Dec. 10, 1926.

27A14: Hinze, R., Autohemotherapy of pyogenic processes in face; case. Zentralbl. f. Chir. 54:200, Jan. 22, 1927.

27B1: Epstein, M.I., Autohemotherapy and collargol treatment of gonorrheal epididymitis. Vrach. Gaz. 31:355-360, March 15, 1927.

27B2: autoserotherapy in chronic eczema, [I. I. Bortolottl] Vrach.dielo 10: 342-346, March 15, 27

27B3: autoserotherapy in internal diseases, [H. Koenigsfeld] Therap.d.Gegenw. 68:104-107, March 27

27B4: autoserotherapy In laryngeal tuberculosis, [A. Luzzatti] Ann.di med.nav. 2:10-15, July-Aug 27

27B5: auto-serotherapy In tuberculous peritonitis, [P. De Michele] 34:101, July 26

27B6: buboes following chancroid treated by autohemotherapy, [F. J. Clusellas] Semana m‚d. 1: 972-990, April 21, 27

27B7: calcium chloride and auto-serotherapy In treatment of pleurisy, [A.Mincione] Med.prat. 12: 21-29, Jan.31, '27.

27B8: cure of Duhrings disease; case, [G. Liotta] Dermosifilografo 2:118-121, March 27

27B9: effects of reinjection of autogenous blood; modification of stability of suspension by natural and etherized corpuscles [G. Di Macco] Riv.di pat.sper. 2: 29-36, Jan.-Feb. 27

27B10: effects of reinjection of blood in same organism, [L. La Grutta] Riv.di pat.sper. 2:140-149, March-April 27

27B11: experiments of Dr. Caride, [Pag‚s Maruny] Rev.espa¤. de med.y cir. 10: 201-204, Aprll 27

27B12: in bubo, [G. Camacho A] med.y cir. 18: 299, March 27

27B13: in cancerous diseases, [S. V. Kaufman] Klin.Med, 5: 433-437, 27

27B14: in eczema of nurslings, [G. Roi] Policlinico (sez. prat.) 34: 786, May 30, 27

27B15: in epileptics and insane, [M. Mitlin & E. Posdniakov] Vrach.dielo 10: 502-504, April 15, 27

27B16: in eye diseases, [E. Marri] Arch.di ottal. 34: 241-245, June 27

27B17: in furunculosis, [E. A. Schiriak] Vrach.Gaz. 31: 265-267, Feb. 28, 27

27B18: in gonorrheal epididymitis; 24 cases, [M. Scharman] Wien.klin.Wchnschr. 40: 1384-1387, Nov. 3, 27

27B19: in gynecology, [E. Schwab] Aerztl.Rundschau 37: 85-87, March 25, 27

27B20: in initial stages of poliomyelitis, [Sicard, Haguenau & Wallich] Paris 51: 943-946, June 23, 27

27B21: in iritis, [Mallol de la Riva] Med.lbera 2:109, Aug. 6, 27

27B22: in postoperative lung complications, [F. Schwarz] Beitr.z.klin.Chir. 140: 338-342, 27

27B23: in postoperative pneumonia and gonorrheal arthritis. [S. Hoffheinz] Arch.f.klin.Chir. 144: 567-592, 27

27B24: in prurigo, [E. Sotelo Z.] Cr¢n.m‚d.,Lima 43: 322-329, Nov '26

27B25: in puerperal infection; favorable results in 8 cases, [Descarpentries] Bull.Soc.d de gynec. 15: 569-578, Nov. '26

27B26: in sepsis, [W. Linhart] Wien.klin.Wchnschr. 40: 657, May 19, 27

27B27: in surgery [H. Achelis] Deutsche Ztschr.f.Chir. 203-204: 587-601, '27

27B28: in tuberculous ostearthritis and other conditions, [M. Havranek]‡. 8: 329-333, April '27

27B29: in venereal bubo, [R. Smith] 38: 880, Aug.'27

27B30: local; in trachoma. [A Campoy Iba¤ez] Progresos de la cl¡nica 35:185-206, March '27.

27B31: mechanism of autohemotherapy and its practical application. [O Smirnoff] Vrach. dielo. 10:965-971. July 15, '27.

27B32: mode of action, [A. Lumiere & Mme. Montoloy] Compt. 184 1136-1138, May 9, 27

27B33: practical applications, [a. Finazzi] Cultura med.mod. 6 l82-l90, April 15, 27

27B34: tabulated data on experimental autoserotherapy, [G. Pergher] Ann.d'ig. 37:349-372, June 27

27B35: treatment of mastitis by autohemotherapy, Bardenhauer's incision and secondary suture, [Harttung] Monatschr.f. Geburtsh. u.gynak. 76 4-7, March 27

27B36: vacuum inoculation with patients own blood in treatment of furunculosis, [F. Kuhn] 74 45l-453, March 18, 27

27H1: O'Leary, Arch. Dermat. and Syph.:15:470, April 1927

28A1: Zuppa, A., Autohemotherapy and ultraviolet rays in herpes recurrens of hands ; 7 cases, Riforma med., 44; 115-117, January 30, '28

28A2: De Logu, A., Autohemotherapy and autoserotherapy in trachoma, Arch.di ottal. 35: 8-30' Jan. '28

28A3: Luzzatti, A., Autoserotherapy in case of laryngeal tuberculosis. Ann. di laring., otol. 28:89-95, March '27

28A4: Cipparrone, E., Eczema in adults cured by automotherapy; 4 cases. 33:109. March 31, '28

28A5: Gross, A., Experiments in curative methods of inflammatory diseases with autoserum therapy. Bratisl. lek r. listy 7:492-496. Oct. '27.

28A6: Reinus, A.M., In angina; case. Ann.d.mal. de ‘'oreille, du larynx 46: 1227-1231. Dec. '27.

28A7: Maimone, D., In eczema; 4 cases Glor.di 75:616-620, October 1, '27.

28A8: Kappis, In furunculosis, Therap.d.Gegnew. 69:20-22, Jan '28.

28A9: Cerf, In gastric ulcer; case, Bruxelles-m‚d. 8:7-9, Nov. 6, '27

28A10: Welsaft, In gonnorrheal bartholinitis, Polska gaz.lek. 7:246-247, April 1, '27

28A11: R. Cohn-Czempin, In gynecological diseases, Zentrabl. f. Gynak. 51:2801, October 29, '27

28A12: in infectious diseases, [N. Morozkin] Vrach.gaz. 31:1643-1647, Nov. 30, 27

28A13: in inflammation of uterine adnexa; 12 cases, [W. L”bner] Zentralbl.f.gynak. 52:437-439, Feb. 18, 28

28A14: in keratoconjunctivitis. [A. De Capite] Pediatria 36:225-236, March 1, 28

28A15: in ovarian and inflammatory hemorrhages, [M Wachtel] Zentralbl.f.Gynak. 52:630-635, March 10, 28

28A16: in skin diseases, [I. Lifschitz] Vrach.Gaz. 31 1359-1361, Sept. 30, 27

28A17: in treatment of fractures, [G. Clemente] Pathologica 20:66-74, Feb. 15, 28

28A18: in typhus, smallpox, syphilis, influenza and various skin diseases, [V. Ivanoff] Russk.Klin. 8:325-340 Sept. 27

28A19: in vernal conjunctivitis; favorable results in 4 cases, [G. Salvati] Gior.di ocul. 8:120-122 Dec 27

28A20: influence of injections of freshly defibrinated blood from patient on defibrination time. [T. Preininger] Wien.klin.Wchnschr. 41:370-374, March 15, 28

28A21: Lawen's local blood injections in treatment of abscesses [O. Wiedhopt] Zentralbl.f.Chir. 54:2818-2821, Nov 5, '27

28A22: methods, [E. Schulmann] 6:460-465, Oct. (A) '27

28A23: of furunculosis in infants. [Z. von Bokay] Jahrb. f. Klnderh. 119: 240-247, March '28

28A24: of recurrent sweat gland inflammations of axilla, [G. Axhausen] Zentralbl.f.Chir. 55:212-214. Jan. 28, '28

28A25: of serum sickness, [J. Morgenstern] Wien.klin.Wchnschr. 41:89-91, Jan. 19, '28

28A26: prophylactic and therapeutic use in postoperative lung complications. [H. Siegenfeld] 78:381, March 17, 28

28A27: three annulare centrifugal erythemata; bismuth and autohemotherapy: recurrence, [Burnier] Bull.Soc.fran‡.de syph. 35:209-212, March '28

28A28: treatment of pneumonia in infants by glucose injections, and by autohemotherapy, [H. Flesch] Ztsxhr. Kinderh. 44:576-580, '27

228A9: value in spasmodic periodic coryza; 2 cases, [A. Llerena Benito] med.,cir.y espec. 28:58-6l Jan. 14, 28

28B1: autohemotherapy, autoserotherapy in tuberculosis, [I. Menniti] Arch.di biol. 5:21, March-April '28

28B2: autoserotherapy in pleurisy of horse, cases, [Valade] 104:336-339, June 28

28B3: clinical and therapeutic study, [J. C. Tassart] Rev. med.latlno-am. 13:1780-1784, June '28

28B4: cure of gonorrheal urinary fistulae; case, [F. Landt] Dermat.Wchnschr. 86:733, June 2 '28

28B5: experimental treatment of alcoholism, [W. Mitkus] Polska gaz.lek. 7:576-578, Aug 5, 28

28B6: in abscesses of sebaceous glands; [G. Axhausen] Med. Welt 1:426-428, Aprll 23, '27

28B7: in epidemic encephalitis and in encephalitic influenza [H. Kraus] 75:1205, July 13, '28 [Comment by Schmitz, 1458-1459, Aug. 24, '28

28B8: in otorhinolaryngology, [M. Giussani] Ann.di. laring., otol. 39: 75-83, March '28

28B9: in treatment of herpes zoster, [B. B. Beeson] Arch. Dermat. & Syph. 18: 573-576, Oct. '28

28B10: injections around abscesses; 5 cases, [Descarpentries] Bruxeles-m‚d. 8: 1301-1309, Aug.5, '28

28B11: intravenous injection of sodium salicylate with patient's own blood (Balkowski) in rheumatic fever (Behandlung des akuten Gelenkrheumatismus nach Balkowski), Med. Welt 1: 1313, Oct., '27

28B12: of suppurative dermatitis of extremities in horses; cases, [Lemetayer] Rev.v‚ 12: 157-166, June 30, '28

28B13: treatment of ozena, [C. J. A. van Iterson] Nederl. Tijdschr.v.Geneesk. 1: 1984, April 21, '28

28B14: value in ocular diseases, [G. Salvati] Gior.di ocul. 9: 17, Feb. '28

29A1: autohemotherapy, [R. Nieto y Vicente] Siglo m‚d. 82: 401Ä402, Oct' 27, '28

29A2: aseptic protein shock in nephritis, [G. Kolischer] J.A. M.A. 92: 9~8Ä970, March 23 '29

29A3: favorable results in trachoma, [h Slutzkin] Klin. Monatebl.f.Augenh. 81: 829Ä835, Dec. 28' '28

29A4: in asthma, [L. Thuet] StrasbourgÄm‚d. (pt. p 86: 328Ä 339, Sept. 5, '28

29A5: in cancer, [F. Blumenthal] Med. Welt 2: 1819' Dec. 8, '28

29A6: in dermatitis in horses' [Lemetayer] Bull.Acad.v‚ France 1: 404, Dec. '28

29A7: in exudative diathesis, [J. A. Alonso Mu¤oyerro] Arch.espa¤.de pediat. 12: 810Ä81l, Sept. '28

29A8: in herpes zoster, [C. Scudero] Policlinico (sez.prat.) 35: 2550Ä2557, Dec. 24, '28

29A9: in inguinal bubo' [E. A. Burmeister] Med.Klin. 24: 2011Ä2012, Dec. 28, '28

29A10: in trachoma, [G. Salvati] Lettura oftal. 5: :,62, Dec. '28

29A11: in treatment of abscess [P. Castagna] Arch.ed atti d. Soc.ital.di chir. (1927) 34:811, '28

29A12: in treatment or acute and chronic infections; case of Iichenoid acanthosis ruber [A. Risi] Studium 18: 479Ä487' Nov. 20' '28

29A13: of chronic gonorrheal cowperitis, [F. Landt] Dermat. Wchnschr. 87:1842' Dec. 1, '28

29A14: success of integral modified autoserum therapy in inveterate alcoholism; case, [E. Escomel] CrSn. m‚d., Lima 45: 279Ä281, Sept. ,28; also, Siglo m‚d. 83: 217-219, Jan. 12, '29

29A15: value in treatment of warts, [A. S‚zary] Bull.Soc. syph. 36: 839' Nov. '28

29A16: value in vernal conjunctivitis; cases' [Cassinuatis] Arch.di ottal. 36: 8Ä14, Jan. '29

29A17: value of autoserotherapy in serofibrinous pleurisy and peritonitis; cases, [M. GuiffrŠ] Clin.pediat. 10: 701731, Nov. '28 29A18: value of autoserum irradiated with radium for treatment of cancer' [H. Peters] Ztschr.f.Krebsforsch. 28: 186Ä190, '28

29B1: autohemotherapy, [L. Caillon] Rev.tunishienne‚d. 22: 89-95, April '28

29B2: [S. Hoffheinz] Chirurg 1: 743-749, July 1, '29

29B3: [E. Mhsam] Ztschr.f.„rztl.Fortbild. 26: 278-281, May 1, '29

29B4: autoserum in chronic disease, [W. G. Brymer] M.Rec. & Ann. 23: 431-433, Nov. '29

29B5: cure of habitual alcoholism by integral, modified autoserotherapy; case, [E. Escomel] m‚d., Rosario 4: 43-46, Feb. '29

29B6: effect on gaseous metabolism in nutritional disturbances, [A. Springsguth] Ztschr.f.d.ges. exper.Med. 67: 247-252, '29

29B7: in gastric ulcer, [M. Cerf] Bruxelles-m‚d. 9: 827-830, May 19, '29

29B8: in malaria; case, [P. Sepulcri & E. Vidale] Riv.di malariol. 8: 78-80, Jan.-Feb. '29

29B9: in ocular diseases, [E. Avalos] An.Soc.m‚ oftal. y oto- rino-laring. 7: 208-210, March-April '29

29B10: in ozena, [A. A. Aleshkoff] Vrach.gaz. 33: 2203-2204, Aug. 31, '29

29B11: in surgery, [G. Wolfsohn] Therap.d.Gegenw. 70: 399-403, Sept. '29

29B12: in sympathetic ophthalmia, [R. & R. J. Guiral] Rev. de med.y la Habana 34: 337-353, May 31, '29

29B13: in treatment of exanthematous typhoid fever, [A. Metzulescu] 17: 971-997, Nov. '28

29B14: injections of patient's own blood around boil following L„wen's method, [K. Erb] Ztschr.f.„rztl.fortbild. 26: 424-428, July1, '29

29B15: injections with patient's own blood in treatment of herpes zoster, [D. Kenedy & E. Neuwirth] Dermat. Wchnschr.88: 553-554, April 13, '29

29B16: review of literature, [S. Hoffheinz] Ergebn.d.Chir.u. Orthop. 22: 162-221, '29

29B17: treatment of boils and carbuncles by circular injections of patient's own blood (L„wen), [K. Si„tis] Finska l„k.-s„llsk.handl. 71: 550-557, July '29

29B18: use of combination of bismuth, arsphenamine and patient's blood in treatment of syphilis resistant to arsphenamine alone, [Beume] Dermat. Wchnschr.88: 812, June 8, '29

29B19: various changes of blood in autohemotherapy in cancer of uterus and vomiting during pregnancy, [T. I. Dikoff] Klin.j.saratov.Univ. 5: 449-461, April '28

29B20: history, serum fad; looking backward, [J. U. Lloyd] Eclect. M J. 89:521-525, Aug. '29