Copyright 1995-2001 S.H. Shakman, Institute Of Science; all
rights reserved.
Huber [16A1] notes that the Gilbert method involved the
immediate subcutaneous reinjection of about 2cc of fluid from a
pleural effusion "if the fluid is pale yellow, transparent, or
even somewhat hemorrhagic." Huber further noted that for cases
"in which a cure follows the single exploratory puncture and the
withdrawal of a few cc of fluid - may we not unintentionally have
resorted to autoserotherapy? A small amount of fluid which is
subsequently absorbed, escaping into the tissues, through the
small wound made by the exploring needle, accomplishes the same
purpose as though it had been injected."
Huber [16A1]: "Carried out under the usual aseptic
precautions, no local or general ill effects follow. Occasionally
we meet with a case in which the fluid is turbvid and has a
decided odor; under such conditions the method is not to be
resorted to."