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01H1: Jez, Valentin, "Ueber die Behandlung des Erysipelas mit
Serum von an Erysipel erkrankten Individuen." Wiener Medicinische
Wochenschrift, 31 August 1901:1613-1621; abstr. J.A.M.A.,
Oct.-Dec. 1901: 1074.
05E1: Browning, G.S., Auto-serotherapy. MED. HERALD, ST.
JOSEPH, 1905, n.s., xxiv, 419-425.
05H1: Bier, A., "Die Entznndung. Arch. klin. Chir. Bd. 176, S 529.
06E1: Landolfi, M., Autosieroterapia ed autosierodiagnosi. GAZZ.
INTERNAZ. DI MED., NAPOLI, 1905, vii, 267-71.
06E2: Baccari, A., L'auto-sieroterapia nelle pleuriti
siero-fibrinose e nelle peritoniti tubercolari a forma ascitica e
le aggressine. N. RIV. CLIN.-TERAP., NAPOLI, 1906, ix, 469-475.
09E1: Hort, E. C., Auto-inoculation versus hetero-inoculation in
the treatment of established infective disease, in pyrexial and in
apyrexial conditions ..., PROC. ROY. SOC. MED., LOND., 1909, ii,
Med. Sect., 177-228.
09H1: Marcou, M., Autoserotherapy in pleural effusion, La Presse
M‚dicale, 4 Sept., 1909:627-8.
10E1: Busquet, P., Contribution l'‚tude de l'autos‚roth‚rapie.
10E2: Le Play, A., Autos‚rotherapie des ‚panchements s‚reux.
BULL. MD PAR., 1910, xxiv, 707-710.
10E3: Godlemski, E., Deux cas d'autos‚roth‚rapie ascitique. BULL.
ET MEM. SOC. DE MD DE VAUCLUSE, AVIGNON, 1910, vi, 419-422.
11E1: Lemann, I.I., Auto-serotherapy in the treatment of
collections of fluids in serous cavities. N. ORL. M. & S. J.,
1910-11, lxiii, 327-333.
11E2: Austin, C.K., Reports on Autoserotherapy. INTERNAT. CLIN.,
PHILA., 1910, 20. s., iii, 24-32.
11E3: Braga, A., and Copelli, M., Sierositi ed autosieroterapia.
BOLL. D. SOC. MED. DI PARMA, 1910, 2.s., iii, 182-198.
11E4: Lemann, I.I., Autoserotherapy; the therapeutic use of the
patients own serous exudates and transudates. INTERSTATE M. J.,
ST. LOUIS, 1911, xvii, 288-297.
11E5: Angel Elvira, Autosueroterapia. REV. DE MED. Y CIRUG.
PRþCT., MADRID, 1911, xc, 414-417.
11E6: Riviere, C., The role of auto-inoculation in medicine; a
plea for its rational extension. PROC. ROY. SOC. MED., LONDON,
1910-11, iv, Therap. & Pharmacol. Sect., 39-50.
11E7: Chaumier, E., propos de l'autos‚rith‚rapie des maladies
bact‚riennes. GAZ. MD. DE PAR., 1911, lxxxii, 115-118.
11E8: Garmagnano, C., Considerazioni sulla auto-sieroterapia.
GAZZ. D. OSP., MILANO, 1911, xxxii, 475.
11E9: Synot, M.J., Auto-inoculation; its practical application in
the treatment of various infections and as a substitute for
bacterial vaccines. MED. REC., N.Y., 1911, lxxx, 125-127.
11E10: Duncan, C.H., Auto-therapy. N. AM. J. HOMEOPATHY, N.Y.,
1911, clxv, 709-714.
11H1: Oliva, C., Zeitschr.f.klin. Med., Berl. lxxiii (1911),
289-297, "Physikalisch-Chemische Ver„nderungen des Blutes nach
Aderlass und subkutaner Infusion."
12E1: Duncan, C.H., Autotherapy, LANCET-CLINIC, CINCIN., 1911,
cvi, 472-481.
12E2: Modinos, P., L'autos‚roth‚rapie dans les maladies
infectieuses. PRESSE MD, PAR., 1911, xix, 1006.
12E3: Fiori, L., Dell'autosieroterapia in generale con speciale
riguardo ai risultati dell'autosieroterapia dell'idrocele. RIV.
OSPEDAL., ROMA, 1912, ii, 2-12.
12E4: Landmann, G., Ueber auth„motherapie. VERHANDL. D.
lxxxii, 2. Teil, 67-69.
12E5: Jousset, A., Recherches exp‚rimentales sur
l'autos‚roth‚rapie. ARCH. GN DE MD., PAR., 1912, v, 139-249.
12E6: Rosenthal, G., Note sur l'autos‚roth‚rapie a liquide filtr‚.
REV. MD., PAR., 1912, xxii, 100.
12E7: Briand. Trois cas de pleur‚sie a‚rofibrineuse et deux
d'hydroc‚le, trait‚s par l'autos‚roth‚rapie. ANN. D'HYG. ET DE
MD, COLON., PAR., 1912, xv, 362.
12E8: Eisner, G. Experimentelle Untersuchungen šber
Autoserotherapie. ZTSCHR. F. KLIN. MED., BERL., 1912, lxxvi,
34-44, 1 pl.
12E9: Indelli, A. Alcune note cliniche e critiche sulla cura alla
Gilbert. FRACASTORO, VERONA, 1912, viii, 173-183.
13E1: Baccari, C. La tripsina nel-l'autosieroterapia. TOMMASI,
NAPOLI, 1912, vii, 699-702.
13E2: Bonardi, E. L'auto-sieroterapia quale efficace mezzo di
cura di alcuni trasudati (ascite da cirrosi epatica; idrocele). R.
IST. LOMB. DI SC. E LETT. RENDIC., MILANO, 1912, 2. s., xlv,
13E3: Caforio, L. L'autosieroterapia alla Gilbert. GIOR.
INTERNAZ. D. SC. MED., NAPOLI, 1912, n.s., xxxiv, 927-935.
13E4: Duncan, C.H. Autotherapy; the natural autogenous toxine
complex in the treatment of disease. N. YORK M. J., 1912, xcvi,
1217; 1278.
13E5: Rudolfi, A.F., Ob autoseroterapiij. VOYENNO-MED. J., ST.
PETERSB., 1912, ccxxxiv, med.-spec. pt., 227-240.
13E6: Spiethoff, B. Zur therapeutischen Verwendung des
Eigenserums. MšNCHEN MED. WCHNSCHR., 1913, lx, 521.
13E7: Spiethoff, B. Zur Behandlung mit Eigenserum und
Eigenblut. MED. KLIN., BERL., 1913, ix, 949.
13E8: Duncan, C.H. Autotherapy in purulent infections and the
technic of its application. AM. PRACT., N.Y., 1913, xlvii,
13E9: Smith, C.E., jr. The present status of autoserotherapy.
ST. PAUL M. J., 1912, xv, 435-443.
13E10: Duncan, C.H. Autotherapy in surgery. AM. J. SURG., N.Y.,
1913, xxvii, 381-385.
13E11: Mattei, C. Modifications leucocytaires au cours de l'auto-
h‚mato-th‚rapie. COMPT. REND. SOC. DE BIOL., PAR., 1913, lxxv,
13H1: Lewi¸n, "Autoserotherapy in Cancer", Therapie der
Gegenwart (June 1913) per N.Y. Med. J., May 30, 1914, 1091.
13H2: Ravaut, M. Paul, "Essai sur L'Autoh‚matoth‚rapie dans
Quelques Dermatoses", Ann. De Derm. er Syph. 4:292-6, May 1913.
14E1: Antonio, A. L'autosieroterapia alla Gilbert. GAZZ. MED.
ITAL., TORINA, 1913, lxii, 413.
14E2: Battaglia, M. Contributo clinico alla cura della pleurite
sierosa e dell'orchite sierosa, con l'autosieroterapia. GIOR.
INTERNAT. D. SC. MED., NAPOLI, 1913, n. s., xxxv, 894-897.
14E3: Duncan, C.H., Autotherapy of urine and sea plasma.
THERAP. REC., LOUISVILLE, 1914, ix, 38-42.
14E4: Duncan, C.H. Autotherapy in the prevention and cure of
purulent infections. PRACTITIONER, LOND., 1914, xcii, 551-566.
14E5: Duncan, C.H., Autolactotherapy, a new system of
therapeutics. N. YORK M. J., 1914, c, 464-469.
14E6: Pierce, E.A. Autoserotherapy. NORTHWEST MED., Seattle,
1914, vi, 223-229.
14H1: Fisher, Henry M., "Autoserotherapy in Fibrinoserous
Pleurisy ...", N.Y. Med. J., May 23, 1914, 1037-8.
14H2: Fox, Howard, "Autogenous serum in the treatment of
psoriasis", J.A.M.A. LXIII(25):2190-4, Dec. 19, 1914
14H3: Gottheil, Wm. S. & David L. Satenstein, "The Autoserum
Treatment in Dermatology", J.A.M.A. LXIII:1190-1194, 3 October
14H4: Duncan, C.H., "Autotherapy in Gynecology and Obstetrics",
The Medical Times, May 1914, 146-8.
14H5: Duncan, C.H., "Autoimmunization in Respiratory
Infections", Medical Record, Sept. 5, 1914, 408-414.
15E1: Duncan, C.H. A few points in autotherapeutic technique.
MED. SENTINEL, PORTLAND OREG., 1915, xxiii, 1985-1993.
15E2: Kreucher, P.H., Auto-sensitized autogenous vaccines.
(Preliminary report.) SURG. CLIN., CHICAGO, 1914, iii,
15E3: Nesfield, V., The treatment of suppration by pus
inoculations, and the treatment of pneumonia by subcutaneous
injections of the patient's own blood. INDIAN M. GAZ., CALCUTTA,
1914, xlix, 471-476.
15E4: Spiethoff, B., Zur Methode der Eigenblutbehandlung. MED.
KLIN., BERL., 1915, xi, 38.
15E5: Robertson, W.E., Autoserotherapy, also the therapeutic use
of inactivated pus and the value of tuberculins in serous
cavities. BOSTON M. & S. J., 1915, clxxii, 559.
15E6: Palmer, E.E. & Secor, W.L., An improved and simplified
technique for autoserotherapy. MED. REC., N.Y., 1915, lxxxviii,
15E7: Duncan, C.H., A positive method of curing purulent
infection, an appeal to the army surgeon. INTERSTATE M. J., ST.
LOUIS, 1915, xxii, 996-1003.
15E8: Duncan, C.H., A positive method of curing purulent
infection, an appeal to the army surgeon. AM. MED., BURLINGTON,
VT. & N.Y., 1915, x, 772-775.
15H1: Pierce, E.A., "Autoserotherapy vs. Arthficial Pneumothorax
in the Treatment of Pleurisy with Effusion", Northwest Medicine
VII, n.s., Dec. 1915, 386.
16A1: Huber, Autoserotherapy. N.Y. Med. J. 103:164, Jan. 22, 1916;
ibid. 104:20, July 1, 1916.
16A2: Belliboni, Autoserotherapy, mode of action and indications
for. Gazz. d. Osp. 37:1058, Aug. 24, 1916.
16E1: Parham, J.C., Autotherapy. SOUTH. M. J., NASHVILLE, 1916,
ix, 303-307.
16E2: Wohl, M.G., Autosensitized vaccines. MED. REC., N.Y., 1916,
lxxxix, 770-772.
16E3: Huber, F., Autoserotherapy. N. YORK M.J., 1916, civ, 20.
16E4: Belliboni, E., Studio preparatorio per conoscere il
meccanismo di azione e le indicazioni della autosieroterapia.
GAZZ. D. OSP., MILANO, 1916, ii, 423.
16H1: Dumke, E.R., "Vaccine and serum therapy", N. W. Medicine
XV(5):168-171, May 1916.
16H2: Duncan, Charles H., N.Y.M.J. 1916:342-3 (Poliomyelitis); 517
(Autotherapy); 901 (Ivy Poisoning)
16H3: Gottheil, Wm. S., "The value of Autoserum Injections in Skin
Diseases", N.Y. Med. J. CIII:1209-1211, 24 June
16H4: Paget, O., Autoserum in Treatment of Cancer., Medical
Record, N. Y. LXXXIX (April 8, 1916, per abstr. in N.Y. Med. J.,
May 29, 1916, p. 997.
16H5: Trimble, Wm. B. and John J. Rothwell, "Treatment of
Psoriasis with Autogenous Serum", J. Cutaneous Dis., Sept. 1916,
per abstr. in N. Y. M. J., 1 April 1916, 660-1.
16H6: Robertson, W.E., "Intravenous serobacterin therapeutics",
N.Y.M.J. 103 (April 22, 1916), 777-780.
17A1: Spiethoff, B., Venesection plus autoserotherapy. Med. Klin.
12: 1223, Nov. 19, 1916; cont. 12: 1252, Nov. 26, 1916.
17E1: Bronfenbrenner, J., and Schlesinger, M.J., Some
suggestions for rational auto-serum-therapy. PROC. SOC. EXPER.
BIOL. & MED., N.Y., 1916, xiv, 61-63.
17E2: Duncan, C.H., Autotherapy. LONG ISLAND M. J., BROOKLYN,
1916, x, 325-333.
17E3: Sinclair, H.H., Auto-sero-therapy in acute infections.
INTERNAT. J. SURG., N. Y., 1917, xxx, 114.
17E4: Belin., Autopyoth‚rapie. COMPT. REND. SOC. DE BIOL., PAR.,
1916, lxxix, 1093-1095.
17H1: Kaiser, A.D., "Serum and Blood Therapy", N.Y.M.J. Sept. 29,
1917, 595-6.
18E1: Louis-Aguste. Sur l'autos‚roth‚rapie des ‚panchements
pleuraux et ascitiques. PROGRES MD., PAR., 1917, 3. s., xxxii,
18E2: Sweek, W.O., The autosensitized serobacterin. SOUTHWEST
MED., EL PASO, 1917, i, No. 10, 21-25.
18E3: Dewey, W.A., Isopathy, homeopathy and immunity. J. AM.
INST. HOMEOP., CLEVELAND, 1917-18, x, 660-675.
18E4: Bazy, L., & Cuvillier, L., L'obtention d'auto-vaccins
sensibilis‚s mono- ou polyvalents au moyen du s‚rum de Leclainche
et Vall‚e. PRESSE MD, PAR., 1918, xxvi, 219-221.
18E5: Mller, R., Die Nachbarwirkung des Eigenserums und deren
therapeutische Verwertung. WIEN. KLIN. WCHNSCHR., 1917, xxx,
18E6: Martinez, Bk.D., Sueros hemopoi‚ticos. SEMANA MD., BUENOS
AIRES, 1918, xxv, 156.
19E1: Duncan, Charles H., AUTOTHERAPY. N.Y., 1918, C.H.Duncan,
376 p.
19E2: Rosler, K., Die Autoserumbehandlung der akuten
Infektionskrankheiten. I. TEIL. MED. KLIN., BERL., 1916, xii, 944.
19H1: Chalier, successful treatment of hemophilia with 11 IV
injections of mother's serum, 25-40cc, Soc. Med. D. Hop. De Lyon
1919, per Voncken, Jules, "Homohemotherapy" J.A.M.A. 75:307-8, 31
July 1920.